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1st grow (outdoors)

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Always good to see your photos Tobias =)

I didnt have time to look at the problem photos, just the good ones but dont stress too much looks like your not too far off now :)

Hope the weather stays on your side bud,

Thanks for sharing



Thanks for the reply DD!

How much longer do u think I have maybe 3-4 weeks?

I originally thought that I would be harvesting all of the girls at the same time but it's not looking that way now!


Any advice on drying?

Still don't know where im going to be drying it all!


Cheers Tobias

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No worries man ,

Yeah at least 3 or 4 weeks probably a little but longer until they have reached their peak fatness haha :)

Just keep posting pics and people will help you , get a healers loupe or pocket microscope off eBay for a few bucks and that will help determine when it's time to harvest too :)


As for drying , this year I can't dry all of mine indoors so I'm testing an idea another grower I know has used the last few years .

I have a tarp tied so it looks like a tent (middle higher for water run off)

It's secured tightly to the surrounding trees , it's on the south side of a hill so cold and darker .

And sprayed green and brown . Then tie wires and hang your weed where's it's safe from the weather :)

I've got an ounce drying in there at the moment and tommoro I'll know how well it's worked :)


Much better than trying to use a tent or any other idea I've heard for outdoors .

Just be really careful where you put it so it's not spotted , if there's any risk of losing Your hard earned bud or getting busted then I wouldn't try this idea :)

If you are sure there's no rain for at least a week you could just hang strings between trees and dry them in the open (out of direct sunlight) that works too .


Yeah looks like you will get a staggered harvest which is a good thing , you can't lose it all at once if things go wrong :)

Make sure you dry as far away from your crop as possible

Good luck !!


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+ 1 to what dopedogg said. Got one of those microscopes from ebay theyre great little toys. Honestly for me though I left a winter crop in winter for way to long and when i looked at it with the microscope fairy few thrichomes were amber, most were cler or milky but was still good smoko. I know its not the most accurate way but using the microscope plus looking out for most of the hairs turning brown and growth rate of the buds declining and common sense will be the best form of measurement. Cheers syco
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ok guys

so there has been a lack of up dates and also a lack of sun shine witch is beginning to make me worried about the girls!


i went down yesterday to see them after a good allmost 10 days of really heavy rains and well there were buds but i have to admit i was a little disappointed i thought there would be heaps more and they would be bigger, this could also have something to do with the lack of furts they have been getting because they are so wet i dont want to over water them!


the himalyan golds are the closest to being done, it seem weird that all the smaller more bushy plants seem to be flowering much before the tall lanky ones!


any way here are some photos (not the best quality phone camera)











bit of a group shot to end



i dont know why these photos ended up being so shit but i will get some good flicks with a propper camera soon!


cheers tobais

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hi Tobias - all growing nturally & on schedual :thumbsup:


Those bottom leaves will 'expire' & drop off naturally - noffin to worry about ...... oh u mentioned a lot of rain so tink about mold prevention strategies - limited outdoor control I know - one recommendation is 'inspection & removal' od affected portion if found.

Moisture gets loged in the inner bub and is clearly seen.


A greate traditional outdoor ozy grow well executed :egyptdance:

Keep up the good growing Tobias



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