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1st grow (outdoors)

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hey guys


been a few weeks since the last update, its been raining most of the time and a few days of sun here and there!


it has become very easy to tell the strains apart now!


the Himalayan golds are the furtherest along with a few small nuggies forming!




i think there is a lack of nitrogen as alot of the lower leaves are turning yellow!




and still having problems with the deformed growth could this possibly be from lack of sun?




the hawaiian snows have stretched so much and im not shore how im going to support them now!

the biggest is now over 8 foot!



im having a few problems with arjans haze could anyone give some info on these spots?




im hoping for some more sunshine over the next months but the extended for cast is not looking to good :(


any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated!


cheers tobias



its a jungle out there!



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If the arjans haze has got those defrmed leaves dont worry about em my mate and i grew some last year most of of em were deformed but still yielded good to say the least. Cerebus i got 2 months left on my hawaiin snows probably, havent went into full flower mode yet. You find that the older the plants get the more fuck ups occur, well thats my experience anyway but it probably really doesnt matter at this stage since it will all be over in a month or 2 as long as the problem isnt fast acting. Might affect the yield slightly but not to much hopefully. My plants are tall just like your hawaiin snow. Not sure how im gona support em either. Always thought the stems would thicken up and support the weight. Loving the last pic mate. Cheers syco
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as soon as my plants start flowering in pots these nothing left in the soil compost i water in the flower ferts and id chuck about 9 dynamic lifter pellets on top every 3 weeks ,or when they disapear, they seem to do better i recon they can take up what they want lol , works for me , an them fu;ll on yellow couple a leaves down bottem i rip off carnt see them helping anything , plants look good , how long they been in them pots for ?
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Thanks for the advice and replies guys!


They have been in these pots since the start of November!


The lower leaves seem to be yellowing more and more on the Himalayan gold whos the furthest into flowering so I think it could be she's just putting energy into flowering and getting rid of un needed leaves!


Bit to busy during the week so I will have a update on the weekend!



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Went down to see the girls today!

The flowers are forming nicely!

All of the Himalayan golds are well into flowering,

One of the smaller Hawaiian snow has also started to form so small buds!

Still no sign of any buds on the Arjans haze #1!


There are a few problems I think a lot of the leaves are turning yellow but the upper bud areas are still green is this still normal for 3 weeks into flowering?

They were abit dry and in need of a drink!



Also some of the leaves on the Hawaiian snow are starting to go a very light green and you can see the vanes like this!



Also I am still having some trouble with some deformed leaves its only happening to the Himalayan golds and it's only a few branches!



Now on to the good pics!

I'm loving the main collar of one of the himalayan golds looking so nice!






And a few group shots of them all!




Sorry about the pics not showing up on this page I'm having some

Computer troubles so I have resorted to using my phone!


Cheers Tobias!

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