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1st grow (outdoors)

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ok well iv been heaps lazy in updating this,


but i will now, its been about 4 1/2 months now and there has been some ups a downs but we still are going strong!


this grow had really been trial and error as its been my 1st grow i have tried a few different methods/styles and im happy with the outcome of all of them!


onto the girls


the biggest girl is at about 6 foot now (hawaiian snow)



the Arjans haze 1 i topped a few times is also getting very big and close to flowering!





and finally one of the Himalayan golds



i have 9 all up

2 Arjans haze 1

4 Himalayan golds

3 hawaiian snows


im going to start switching the ferts over in the next week im thinking of using some PK13-14, will i also need to add some nitrogen during the flowering time?


i will leave you all with some more pictures





cheers tobias

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hey guys


we have had alot of rain in the past weeks and its been very humid there has been some good growth all the girls are starting to bush out heaps!


just today i started using some new ferts i went with organic as the hydro shop keeper recommended it as one of the other guys that works there has had great results with them"B.A.C organic bloom nutrient" and some "bloomstimulator" and then some "organic PK booster" for later down the track!





ok so onto the girls!

arjans haze is coming along nicely getting very top heavy so i will have to give her some support! few spots on her leaves im abit worried about!





the Himalayan gold's are also going well they are not as tall but are twice as bushy! its getting very crowded down at the spot so i couldnt get a good shot of them but i got a close up of some of the flowers, so cute!





its weird that one half the plant the new growth looks nice but on some of the collars it looks like this



the hawaiian snows have gown crazy in the last week!

one has started to reach for the sky like crazy and is now about 6ft out of the pot!



i shall keep you all up to date with the grow as its progresses!


thanks for reading


heres a group shot of them all getting abit crowded will clear out abit more room asap!



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