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1st grow (outdoors)

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hey all,

this is my 1st legit attempt at growing!

I started with 15 and im now down to 9 due to several different causes!


I started them in pots with a potting mix called "pot mate" from Bunnings, i read on the bag not to add fert for 6 weeks as it has enough in it? is this true?

i have been watering them every 2-3 days with tap water and the ph ranges between 6.4-6.8 for all of them,


i am after some general advice from everyone and some tips on when i should up grade to bigger pots?


i spoke to and grower who recommended mushroom fertilizer with water crystals and then sugar cane mulch on top somthing like this,



here are some pics of the girls note they are abit drooped as i forgot to water them!



group shot


Arjans haze #1



Himalayan gold 1 0f 3



Himalayan gold 2 0f 3 (the little pinna)



Himalayan gold 3 0f 3 (the deformed one)



hawaiian snow 1 of 3



hawaiian snow 2 of 3



hawaiian snow 3 of 3 (i don't know what's wrong with this girl?)



thanks for reading!


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Lookin pretty good tobias !

I would get them into their permanent home sooner rather than later , so whether that's big pots ( they will need to be pretty large if you want big plants ) or into the ground somewhere , I would try do it in the next few weeks :)


If you have them at home , you have no need for the water crystals , they will just drown your roots . But definantly don't just use straight pottig mix when transplanting next time :) a bit of mushroom compost plus any of these you can afford - peat moss , perlite , manure , worm castings , normal compost , Rose potting mix .


The more of these you use the better your plants will thrive , they love light soils so they can expand their roots bigger , potting mix holds in moisture too well and I think the ones in the photo that you said are drooping from not being watered have actually been overwatered :)


So yeah it's a weed anyways do what you can , big pots , good soil , lots of sunlight , water every few days and keep an eye out for bugs :)

Good luck bro !


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No worries mate :)

Not exactly sure how big that is because i never use pots, but 20 gallon pots will be monsters so thats about 70 liters, so yeah i'd say 50 liters is perfect :)

And yep when you transplant, take a decent amount of the original soil for the roots to grow out of into the new soils so they dont freak out .

Make sure your new soils are mixed through well and you dont use too much strong manures or anything that might burn your plants (too much shroom compost)

and you should be fine :)

A few of your plants have minor problems when you look at the leaves too, if you care enough just google common marijuana plant problems and your answers should be there,

its all pretty confusing though, so just try check your PH level and keep it close to 6.8 and if you can get your hands on some epsom salts, use them at some point


Let us know how you go mate,


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good choice with the arjanz haze, im not sure if it was arjanz haze 1 or 2 but me and my mate tried em out last yr these things were bloody monsters, they grow very quick compared to the others, got about 4m tall around january. Actually got some growin now and 2 hawaiin snows as well. Good luck mate. The arjans were also very mould resistant just hope you got room to grow em
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grow update!

so its been 5 1/2 weeks now and 2 are going really well but the others are lagging behind or suffering from some problems


i moved 4 of them into the permeant homes 3 days ago, the are in big pots with a combination of mushrooms compost, cow manure, rose potting mix and despite " brick50's" advice sugarcane mulch on the top as i was told its good by others!


the other girls that are suffering some problems i belive its from lack of nitrogen so i got some of this




i know its not the best as its only 10:2:12 if someone could suggest a better alternative that would be great!


it has rained pretty hard the last few days but they seem to be coping ok, do i still need to water them if it has rained?




here are some picks


himalayan gold



arjans haze 1



hawaiian snow



thanks for reading


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Looking much better man :)!

They will start goin crazy soon once the suns back out!

Definantly don't water them if its rained , overwatering or loving your plants too much

(over fertilising etc) kills alot more plants than under doin things :)


But looking good , I wrote back to your message recommending a different form of fertiliser

But if your strapped for cash just piss around them a bit haha it's high in nitrogen ;)

Although people think it's feral , they don't care about putting dead animals or animal shit in the soil haha

So just hook it up .

Good luck man


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