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canna u culture farm cannazyme

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just i quick question about cannazyme. im not sure how it works but as its been explained to me ; the enzymes from the cannazyme eat the dead plant material and other such nasties.


well it seems to work well. But each time u dump ur res u dump the cannazyme. if u are using bubblers this becomes quite expensive. i know 1 alternative may be not to change my nutes.


altenatively i was wandering if there is any way that the enzymes from the canazyme could be farmed in any way. i e putting the cannazyme in a bucket and giving material to feed on then adding some of this to the res periodically.

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I've had a look at the product today, and I doubt you could culture it, considering it's not alive. It's a mixture of enzymes, according to them anyway, and enzymes are simply chemicals which enhance, speed up or even permit chemical reactions in many, many different circumstances. Your gut contains lots of these enzymes. Enzymes do not directly contribute anything to the reaction, it is merely a conduit or enabling molecule in the presence of which other reactions are allowed or enhanced.


So short answer, unless you've got a laboratory, I doubt in the extreme that you would be able to produce the stuff yourself. If it were biological in nature, as in a microbe, bacterium or fungus which is actually cultivated, then perhaps with a little work you could, but an enzyme based preparation.... I don't think you can. Sorry mate.


Anyway, I don't think it's really all that necessary unless you were running something like coco-peat which is organic in nature or re-using media from previous growing... otherwise I don't think the advantages will outweigh the cost. Could be wrong, but like you said, not too many people use it as far as I know, and the cost would appear to be a limiting factor too...


Hope that helps mate, even though it was a negative answer... Can I ask why you particularly chose this product? lol

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