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Howdy fellas,

Here is the first of the series of short reviews im gonna do about every strain grow. Todays strain is LA Trainwreck X SAGE from Irish Rose seeds bought through Marc Emery.

This is probably not a true representation of the product as the seeds were bought through Marc Emery and im convinced hes a total knob head. (from 30 seeds supplied, 15 sprout with only 4 females varying over 3 strains compared to 10 seeds from HS 9 sprout 8 fems(not feminized))


The only female of the trainwreck was a mongoloid mutant looking thing. Not a single normal shaped leaf on it however it grew quite fast, only needed to veg for 2 weeks and it was a foot and a half high. Didnt grow very dense and all the stems were quite pissweak but that was ok cause when it flowered it didnt need thick stems to hold its pussy buds. The only good thing i can say about it was the smell. It was unbelievable. Like a sweet fruity smell, easily the best smell dope i have ever smelteded.

They say that LA trainwreck is a medical strain, I find that amusing as it was VERY much a pshycological stone. Not very relaxing at all, in fact, game me anxiety. The worst part is the next day, i wake up in a "fuk the world!" mood which lasts all day. I have done tests to confirm that it is that mull that does it and am 100% certain.


My conlclusion is not that LATxS is a crap strain but that marc emery is a ewanker and ill never buy from there again. (probably never grow from seed again either). I would imagine that a review done by someone else about this strain bought fro a diff seed bank would be very different.

Anyway, thats what i reckon!

Coming soon.... HinduKush X Blueberry (yum!)

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thats a good review man, cheers, yeah emery is a dog, In my dealings with him I must say I got some good shit, But i paid double/triple what they were worth.


But dont give up seeds man, you get good and you get bad, one day you'll get the plant that pisses on everything. Just avoid Emery.


better luck with the hindu kush x blueberry.

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