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sneaky bush irrigation

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seems that we have the sun and the land here to grow some sneaky plants in the bush; to bad that we doen't have the water. so what i am wondering is has any 1 had any experience with installing some kind of irrigation in the bush. im thinking about a 500 litre res would be nice. something that can be hidden away a hopefully catch some water during the winter. Or topped up by a near by creek. i don't want to grow to close to a creek as i feel this is a place that peeps are likely to walk. a drip system could be attached to the water res and battary operated timer used to water the plants. i don't mind doing the work if i think that it will work. main thing i am worried about is animals particularly snakes getting into the res for the precious water during the summer months.


any way i haven't grown out doors b4 let alone in the bush but would love to give it a go. so any comments welcome especialy 4 victoria area

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Is the patch of bush suburban or rural?


As I wouldn't be using a 500 L reservoir in suburban bushland.


Also, don't plant on your own property. Use the Government's: they've got heaps anyway lol!


Now, to do this properly you need:


*4 or 5 44-gallon drums

*Approximately 50-100 m of black hose (3-5 cm diameter)

*Heaps of drippers

*A pump. Petrol powered makes noise: solar panels are visible from the air(maybe). you decide.

*Valves which can be opened and closed under pressure.


Your main problem will be transportation and concealment. People will be suss if you're carrying all this shit into a national park on the back of a truck.


Also, the system which you use will depend on how many you want to grow. This is enough for 500-1000 plants, and maybe you don't want to grow that many.





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G'day mate, I've had a little bit of experience with growing in the scrub with a irrigation system. I use a 20litre drum and the black garden irrigation pipe. I'm only watering 4 or 5 plants so you could just have 2 or so of those 20 litre drums! depends how many plants ur watering! couple of cut of vaulves and it all wors a treat!
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ty valley and lofty


i prob would only need about 200 litres. i will only be putting in 3 plants;ducksfoot which grew big.i want a big res so that i don't run out of water. i have'nt checked out run falls yet but im assuming that there will be times with no rain 4 a month. i was thinking of hooking a drip system with a battery operated timer and watering well every 3 days. i really don't want to visit to often.


my biggest concern is animals getting in to the water supply; especialy snakes but not sure if they would or not.

hey lofty how do u fill ur res do u have some kind of rain catchment set up??

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