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Propagating the Weeed

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Propagation of Cannabis 101


Cannabis has several vectors (things that spread the species). These include humans, gravity and creeks/rivers. For example, the human picks off the buds, which have some seeds in them, and takes them to a different place. They then chop up, smoke a few bowls, and dump the seeds where they have a choof. They also might take them hope and nuture them.


Gravity propagates cannabis by allowing the seeds to fall; they get buried and sprout (if they're lucky) the next season.


Cannabis, once it is established in an area, will tend to be spread almost entirely by watercourses. You can see the plant's adaptation quite easily by placing some fresh seeds in a glass of water: that's right, they float! Neat hey. This is the reason why all that weed used to (and maybe still does) grow along the Hunter Valley. The mull plants grow where it's nice and moist on the river bank, dump their seeds in the river, and the lapping action of the river's motion plants the seeds in the river bank for the next generation.


So, for Mission Overgrow, the aim must be defined as: To change the legal status of Cannabis sp. by first establishing facts on the ground.


Let's face it, if this pervasive weed grows everywhere, its legal status will be irrelevant. We cannot afford to wait another 50 years for lazy politicians to make a simple change in the law. The only way the law will change is with greatly increased areas of wild, uncultivated and cultivated Cannabis growing everywhere within Australia.


Some simple ways to propagate cannabis are:


*When growing your plants, keep some males for breeding. Selectively pollinate the bottom branches of your females plants. Then, when you are harvesting, chop above these branches, and just leave them to die and seed. When you come back, there will be babies growing in the ground.


*Let your hermaphrodites go to seed near the riverbed.


*Plant near rivers so any seed that escapes can travel.


*Don't grow total sinsemilla; keep a few seeds in it so people can grow their own.


*When you get a lot of seeds, don't be greedy, give some to your mates.


And let it grow. Don't be a cunt who chops the plants he finds in half: I don't care about rippers who take whole plants in pots so they can grow them, but those dickheads who chop in January are beyond me.


And plant outdoors, spread out over a large area, in small groups. The Govt hasn't realised that by forcing people to grow outdoors they increase the chance of an avalanche event!!!! lol suckers!!!


Cannabis is in the Australian ecosystem. Live with it. Propagate it.

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Guest Wilderbud
If you really want to overgrow then feed the seeds to birds [after producing thousands of course] - the shells are too hard to ingest IIRC. Ive heard that this is how they were accidentally spread around prohibition times. lol
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