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will my plants survive?

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hey everyone

i am about to grow im a sort of muddy soil right next to a stream but safe away from it and will be doing all the right chemicals once a week and i will be wattering it about 2-3 times a week and it will be a good watter for the plants and also i will have bean bag balls mixed into the soil so it will hole more water

and alsohow will i dry the weed after i have growed it

thz guys

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Guest weekprik

are beanbags ok? wouldnt that poison it?


the muddy dirt is possible but be prepared to lose them before harvest if its near water, they dont like swimming.


also too much water will drown the plant (they need oxygen in their roots), I personally would find another site or use peat and sand in the soil.


doest the place flood in heavy rains?

Is the place open to the sun or have trees blocking the light?

Edited by weekprik
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fuck no styrofoam balls are real common when preparing holes, I never used them myself, but imagine they'd work heaps good.


2muchbud that place sounds shit, don't plant in muddy soil, plant a bit up from that where its a bit dryer. you might flood there and lose your crop too. I think if your gonna water them 2 to 3 times a week then scrap the creek idea totally, creeks are good for guerrilla growers (plant and forget people) but for guys who are gonna be watering they provide more problems then good, they can flood as said already, more people walk along creeks then in the bush, and muddy soil is a bas place to grow.


Also dont plant them out to small grow them in your backyard to a foot or so before you plant them out.


don't add peat to the soil, add some styro balls, perlite, sand, fine gravel etc... peat holds a fair bit of water and wont help your aeration much. Although would be easy to take coco coir to site as bricks then water in.

Also add some blood and bone, dynamic lifter etc.. then, add some gypsum if soils are clay-ey which they usually are in aus.

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Guest Wilderbud
Ive never had a problem with straight peat outdoors. I wouldnt grow strawberries in anything else and I was watering some plants daily which were in straight peat [i water the strawberries every two days for now but theyll get a daily watering real soon].
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