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Yeah NSTC you should start a journal of some sort , if you make it interesting people will subsribe and answer your questions .

But for most questions a simple search of this site or even google will give you the answers you need !

You can ask a million questions but if you spend that time researching you will learn a tonne more ...

Just don't get addicted to research like me haha

Good luck bud , transplant her one more time into her final place

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Nice little plant you have there.


Each time you pot-on a plant, growth will slow down. Try and transplant the least number of times you can. I like to start seedlings in at least 6" pots, giving their roots plenty of room to develop. When those probing white root hairs come into contact with the sides of a container, growth slows.


People tend to forget or perhaps don't realize that, a large percentage of a plants mass is underground. Give your plants root space, and you'll be rewarded with healthier and more vigorous plants.


Put it into the biggest possible pot you can, or even better in the ground.



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