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Topping A Nordle Cannabis Baby Plant

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Hey guys, the colours are really starting to change into a nice darker green colour on my nordle seedling which is just over 4 weeks old now . I was just wondering say i put this bad boy into a HUGE pot (is ceramic okay?) which I'm gonna do soon cause its getting pretty big now and should I "top" the plant to make it grow better in the long run? or should i just let it grow naturally. Also is it okay to top a plants that are gonna be in pots and in the ground. Cheers Legends! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:


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Hey guys, I transferred the plant into a larger pot, i could only find a ceramic pot in the yard and its heavy as all hell lol! Just wondering is it still okay to go into the ground again after it gets a little bit bigger? i don't want to shock it or anything, cheers for the tips legends post-45839-0-45965900-1319075519_thumb.jpg
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Heya NSTC =), now ya re-potted it, just let the roots fill that pot before transplanting into the ground....if thats what ya wanna do.

If ya wanna keep it in a pot, the next re-pot will have to be into at least a 30LT pot. I would go 50L or bigger if ya can. More root area means more bud mass, thats why a lot of people put outdoories into the ground, let them roots be free. lol .

But....... saying that pots have advantages too, like being able to move em around, hide them, or taking them inside at night for security.

Don't worry too much about shocking it while it's Vegging- repotting doesn't shock em much if ya careful., it's shocking it too much in Flower that will really get em upset.


I use a cheap arsed ($4 small bottle) concentrate Seaweed fertilizer outdoors, Maxicrop stuff, great for the plants , I feed em this all through the grow and once they start flowering, they get a dose of Manutec Bloom Booster (about $5), If you can get one that feeds as you apply is better, but these slow release PK tablets I use usually last 1-2 months, towards the end, if I know I'm gonna harvest I give all the Ferts a rest and they get straight water for awhile till I pull em.

Don't use any of these add in Fertilizers with potting mix that already has fertilizers added or you'll fry your plants. You'll have to wait and let the plant use up whats in the mix first.


Good luck with The Nordle, be interesting to see..... Peace. Gh72

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Yeah NSTC let it settle down after this transplant for a while before the next one and always be careful to not disturb the roots too much .


If you do plan on putting her in the ground , find the best spot possible (most sunlight , north facing , camouflage etc) and dig your hole out as soon as possible.

3 foot by 3 foot will get u a monster if you have the space to do it safetly, then fill in the hole with good soils , composts , manures , worm castings and whatever else you wish to add then let it settle for a little while before you transplant again :)


Make sure humans and animals can't get at your plant and you should hopefully get a decent harvest if she's a female

Take care


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Hey, i would really like to plant it in the ground but the spot behind the shed dosen't get very much sunlight. I might plant a few in the ground and a couple in 50L plastic pots? Iv'e also been feeding my plant a liquid seaweed mix called Seasol & Powerfeed, how often do you rkn i should feed the plant. Cheers for the tips I'm ready to grow a beast now ! :doh: Edited by NSTC
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