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My Outdoor MJ Grow Thread

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I used to live on the rockiest place on earth, used to have to get the crowbar out to dig holes and one day I snapped it in half. Most holes werent for plants but for shitting in though.


Anyway a bit of shade dont hurt, 6hrs direct sunlight is a good aim, but no need to plant them out in an open paddock like a crazy motherfucker. Dope grows good under a bit of coverage, and alot more likely to get something out of it. As long as its not a fucking rainforest or deep in some valley. but at the top of a hill in scrubland under a tree is where I've seen most dope plants. Dope grows good under shadecloth even.

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well i definetly wont be digging any holes in the near future for shitting in ;)


there's been a bit of rain where i live. all that shit you guys in melb are getting. it really sux for the growth of my seedling. oh, and i put it in the pot today too, which is cool. i'm gonna cover it with mulch tomorrow, and hopefully take some pics

Just gotta sneak my sister's digicam outa the house for 5 mins ;)

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thankyou for your feedback, MUCH appreciated


well with the current situation, i only aim to grow the plant for about a month, hopefully by then it should be big enough so that i can start making it grow bud.

Oh, and animals arent an issue or anything.


When riding my bike past the spot, i can never see it. And it should blend in too when it gets big.

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Well it's been a long time since the last time i posted, so i thought i better let you guys know

what's happening. My plant has lost a couple of leaves in the strong winds that have been

blowing around, but it's on the road to recovery, and looking good too :P

I've been putting mulch around it too, which has helped it alot i think.


Peace out to Dustin and Churchy who died in a car accident last week :)

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Hey all,

well i too am just taking my first steps into growing,

So this forum looks really good, :)

I started a lil crop down my local creek ,, twelve seeds to start with,

Now i have 8 seedlings,, guess the other guys didnt make it ;) .

So hopefully i should get about 3 or 4 females.. ,,

Had heavy rain today to,, thought they might all get washed out,, but nope, the lil soilders were standing straight up and going strong,,

they are about 2 inches tall and have the second spikey set of leaves , ,;)

It is such a cool feeling when you see the first lil spikey mothers,, ;)

Ive gone all maternal ,, ,:P ..

I'll be back checking this forum again ,, Have fun everone,,


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It is such a cool feeling when you see the first lil spikey mothers,, ;)

Ive gone all maternal ,, ,:) ..

I'll be back checking this forum again ,, Have fun everone,,


hey budman, yeah it's a funny thing. you really do become super protective over ya babies.

they are always at the forefront of your mind.

you may not realise this, but you are on your way to becoming a grow junkie.

it really does become that addictive.

you think you're maternal now. wait till they start heading :P


i think it's great that not everyone is heading indoors. havind said that though, if the body ever packed it in, it be heading straight indoors ;)


anyway, good stuff mate and best of luck with ya grow.


if ya have any questions feel free to ask mate ;)




p.s how did your seedlings go with the storm?

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