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My Outdoor MJ Grow Thread

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Guest Wilderbud

Thats really shitty but you have to expect stuff like that when you grow outside. Most have my geurilla grows have died or been ripped off so I know how you feel. Keep going and youll do it - pick a totally different area or itll probably [not possibly] happen again.


You know - it could have been possums but if a rider done a Uturn near your plants then Id say you were sussed out by him/her. Cops ride through the bush all the time - Im used to living near bushland. If you suspect possums [look for posum shit] then plant under some caging so they cant destroy it all IMO [ive never had a problem with them].


I have watched a couple of people growing in the bush - I probably said its easier to find plants than grow them previously and Im not joking. If you spend less than an hour inside bushland then it takes less than a day to find the plants after a few months wait - even less if you visit daily/weekly or you leave tracks.


NB. the best place to grow is a shortcut through the bush but Ive grown near a aboriginal landmark before and when the cops seen a 4L reservoir in my backpack they could do nothing because I had a good excuse [im glad they didnt strip search me or I was screwed]. Sphagnum moss is a good buy for retaining water - see Woolies and spend the $7 per packet for each plant as long as its well placed. You have to learn to be stealthy about growing in bushland becuase its so popular. :P

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Guest Wilderbud
If you cant find an excuse to be in the bush then I gave you one before and Ill suggest another; grow a few bonsai plants in there [doesnt have to be serious but you can learn a bit about growing and if they ask why its in the bush then say you might be moving soon and cant uproot them]. If that was a copper and you are sussed again they might want to see why youre in there.
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Thankyou HEAPS Wilderbud, all your comments are greatly appreciated :P


This new spot is closer to my house, but not too close. I can just see it from my house, so i can tell if anything is goin on, which is a plus!

I'm thinking of growing some Cosmos near my MJ. Cosmos grows tall, and provides good cover, and it will be a good excuse too if anyone asks wot i'm doing. I'll try and get some pics of the newly proposed spot


I have one seed left, i'm gonna make it worth it's while ;)

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Well i've found a new spot, and it's a ripper too :D

It's under a tree that droops down, it's one of those trees with the little pink ball things on 'em. The branches droop down enough so that the plant is out of sight, and yet it still lets plenty of light through. I'm going to dig a hole, then put the pot in, then cover the top with soil. This way it's camouflaged well and i can still take it out when i need to put it in a dark place.

I'll try and get a pic of it, from different views and angles so you guys can tell me what you think

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She'll need full sun mate, as much as you can give it, they don't like shade at all. :D Considered training plants down to keep them low? But most important, give em as much light as is physically possible within the terrain, and you'll get all the buds ya could want... shade your plants, and you'll lose yeild... lots of it, not to mention a generally weaker and more susceptible plant. ;)


But still, show us a pic if you can. ;) :D

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Guest Wilderbud
Shade and marijuana do not mix - youll get crappy growth and possibly mould plus bugs will drop off of the trees constantly. Also, youll still need to re-pot so be aware of this or youll see what root bind can do to a plant. Edited by Wilderbud
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Guest Wilderbud
I've been diggin a hole in the ground, fucking hard too coz it's clay.

I like to use a hole borer when its dry. The holes I dug a few months ago was a mongrel because there was big rocks all through it though - I was swearing at the rocks.

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