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My Outdoor MJ Grow Thread

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i thought this was pretty funny, I had no fertilizers or blood or bone or anything so I used 'Boganvillia Plant Food' and the seedling tripled in size over 2 days. So I recommend it. I'll find the brand name and the proper name for it and post it later on. Even though it wasn't meant for weed, it still had the nessecary nutrients.
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Good work mush887! I look forward to hearing wot the proper name is.

And i dont think i'll have to worry bout the animals B)


I have some sad news lol I went and checked my plant, and from the heavy rain, one of the little leaves has come off! One of the proper weed leaves too, the frilled edge ones. I'm a bit pissed off. But it's starting to grow a bit better.

I have put another seedling down there too. I put it in a different pot. One strange thing though, is that the stem is fucking huge. about 3 inches long. I've had to repot it so that it sits deeper in the soil and doesnt topple over.

Does anyone have any ideas why this might be?

Could this be the trait of a particular strand?


thanks in advance

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Yeah, they've been in a pretty dark place due to the rain, and not getting enough sun coz the clouds are blocking it. And due to that FUCKED UP RAIN, i have one frilly leaf missing on my first seedling. The rain must have pelted down on it and taken it off :angry: I'm pissed off about that.


In other news, my mum said that when you cut off a plant and put it in water they like sugar in the water. From my work in science class, i can confirm this. Plants (ie, MJ) turn light into food, this is called photosynthesis, as i'm sure most of you know. So if a plant lacks light to turn it into food and energy (their food is glucose), surely putting sugar on/in the soil could substitute it. I've put brown sugar on the top of the soil, and am awaiting the results :P


I'll keep you all posted :P

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Guest Wilderbud

Sounds crazy to me but you never know - I didnt care for bilogy so I have no idea about that [i remember about turning sugars into starch or the other way around but I dont know what that was about].


Morning sunlight is very good for plants [less radiation than afternoon sun supposedly]. If you have to hide it you can put it in a bin or box and if you cannot grow at least a 1M marijuana plant outside without people noticing it then it may be worthwhile growing indoors instead [or build a greenhouse].


To disperse rain a shade cloth tent is good but it reduces light.

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You wanna be carefull with the sugar unless your growing sweetooth :P


Let us know if it works....I know that some growth promoters are derived from bees wax and you can actually smell the honey.

I've also read somewhere that you can mix molasses into hydro nutrients, so there must be some way the plant can use a little extra sugar.

If I were to try something like that I'd be inclined to use either glucose powder or even fructose which is sugar processed from fruit and would be more natural to the plant. :P

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Well most of the sugar absorbed into soil, leaving abit of it crystalised on the top. Havent seen a drastic rise in growth or health, as of yet.

I'm thinking of finding a new spot too, and planting a new plant there, right from scratch. I'm gonna get everything right this time too. The new candidate for my spot has to meet the following requirements:


Good soil condition

Good source of light. ie, no thick tree covering

Good camouflage. ie, not easily spotted


And i have to get watering routine and mulch/fertilizer done properly too. I've been reading the Yates Gardening Guide, which i think is a tremendous book :P And it's where i'm getting most of my new information for my new spot to grow.


I'm just wondering, is their any other factors which i should take into consideration??

I think i've covered most of the important stuff


cheers :P

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SHOCK HORROR! I went and checked on my two seedlings and they are gone. the pots are still there, but the seedlings are nowhere to be found. And these two coke bottles with the tops missing that i used for shelter for the seedlings, they were scattered around. The last time i used them i hid them under leaves near the pots. :P I'm gonna salvage wot i can, and get the fuck outa there and into a new spot.


Yours paranoidly, h0stile :P

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