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My Outdoor MJ Grow Thread

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Well there comes a time in every cannabis lovers life, when they decide to plant a small crop. Whether it be outdoors or in, the experience is almost always going to be a good one, regardless of yielding a grand crop or not ;)


So the time has come for myself to grow me a small crop. And so, the journey begins...


Well i've been germinating a few seeds in the last week. So i'll start from the beginning, without going into too much detail and just boring you :mellow:


I got a few seeds off of a friend of mine. And my other friend had also gotten a few seeds off him too and has grown a small plant from it so far. Now, by the look of the leaves, it seems to be a Sativa, because the leaves are narrow and pointy, as apposed to the Indica which is usually wide and stumpy (or so i read somewhere). Soooo, i've established that i'm growing Sativas, coz the seeds are from the same bunch.

I germinated two seeds. I had put em between two layers of wet tissue paper. I wet one seed with water, and the other with that Ribena blackcurrent drink. I used Ribena coz a mate told me that cannabis just loves Ribena. That may be true, but i dont think the seeds do coz this one didnt germinate as fast as the one with water :P

The seed that did better, i planted in a small plastic pot filled with potting mix and sand. I watered it good, then placed it in my hiding spot. My hiding spot was in my room, about 3 feet below my window. This wasnt such a good idea. The light came through the window, but there was no direct sunlight getting to the seedling. Now, the seedling (being a smart little bugger) tried to grow toward the light, thus resulting in a long stem, and tiny little leaves that weren't growing :P So i decided to satisfy it's needs and moved it outside to this place down the road. I took it out of the little pot it was in, and into a bigger one. When i transplanted it, i put it deep into the soil so that the first set of leaves were just above the soil. it's surrounded by trees, the perfect hiding place. And it gets light too


Now that the journey has begun, i shall continue to document it, and share my findings with the community. Hopefully i will get some positive results from it all.


Peace Out :P

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:P Ribena hey, haven't heard that one before but I'm glad to hear one of your ladies has made it anyways and wish you all the best on your first grow there h0stile :P


Like Buddy said, barring any complete disaster, your first grow is always an adventure. You'll either become completely addicted to cultivation, or get extremely frustrated.


My advice don't get too frustrated or concerned if things don't go exactly how you planned - they never do. Try and learn from any mistakes, observe your plants behaviour and if in doubt ask lots of questions. Thats what we are all here for, to help each other out.


:P Tugboat ;)

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I've grown outdoors in pots before and apart from adding a couple of things to the premium potting soil before planting I fed them the following:


During Vegetative stage - Fish / Seaweed emulsion (Seasol, Charlie Carp etc ..) These are available at hardware/garden stores like Bunnings, Mitre10, Big W) or you could use something like Miracle Gro or Thrive, theres tons of liquid ferts on the market these days.


During Flower - Manutec bloom booster also avail at stores above


For both of these liquid ferts I just followed the instructions on the box.


I added a couple of handfuls of Blood & Bone, a small amount of trace elements, and some generous fistfuls of hummus/compost. Oh and some Perlite (20%) and an inch or so of gravel at the bottom of the pots for drainage too.


You don't really need to put these in the potting mix if you are going to use a liquid fertiliser though - but I would recommend at least putting some gravel or stones in the bottom of the pot to help drainage - you don't want to drown the roots or get root rot.


This was from my first grow and I don't know if I was a pure tin arse or what but they grew enormous (I did have em in big pots though).


It was one huge harvest and considering what I now know about growing, I did not treat my ladies very well at all and they still flowered like crazy.


One plant was a sativa from bagseed and it grew to about 9ft x 6ft. The other was a Sweet tooth #3 and got to just over 5ft x 3ft. Both were grown from seed.


Hope this helps


:P Tugboat :P

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Wow, that's alot of great info. thanks guys :P


I'll have to get myself some of those fertilizers you mentioned. From watchin burke's backyard, i know miracle grow and blood & bone are good

My mum puts horse manure on her garden, and her garden is always thriving. I wonder if that would apply to MJ? i'll have to try it. And a method i seen somewhere, is to get some horse manure, put it in a heshem back and tie it up, and put it in water. From doing that, all the nutrients from the manure goes into the water and you can use it as a liquid fertilizer. Pretty neat :P


Oh, and custom miniature hothouses! I am trialling this system. You get a 1.25 litre plastic bottle (or woteva size suits your needs) and cut it off at the top where it starts to get slimmer. You then tip it upside down and put it over your plant. Of course, this would only apply to small plants, but worth mentioning


My little girl is making progress. She's started to grow the first set of frilled leaves!

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