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ive gone bush

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hi all in a hurry again had to come down for water , lol ( still waiting for rain to fill up me bins , with tarp tied up from trees ill take pics if it aint dark )


had a angry pig run ning arouind the tent the other night , sounded cranky to lol ,


ive found me spot its another hour in from tent , over another hill , wen i get water up there ill take tent in closer , still getting water from down bottem ,


heres some pics , ill just shove a heap up , dont like being in town anymore ,


ow yer cheq out the roll a weir i caried n rolled allk the way in , took a good 2 dfays , an me hands are a bit sore , n backs sore that night ,


started digging some holes , get some them coco bricks an ill be able to fill holes in , got everything els , just need some coco ,


ill just dump these pics quik so i havent evern lookd meself yet , post-40169-0-57958200-1319062165_thumb.jpgpost-40169-0-46674600-1319062178_thumb.jpgpost-40169-0-88411200-1319062192_thumb.jpg





post-40169-0-29844100-1319062316_thumb.jpg post-40169-0-37242900-1319062351_thumb.jpg post-40169-0-37439900-1319062398_thumb.jpg



, havent read everyones things yet im in hurry


im haveing a ball , an phone still works all over the hills , so i got radio an can ring out , just in case i run into that big snake delta lol ive seen blacks close to that size , not here but only herd a couple scurry off , plenty a roos , at night you here them jumping threw bush sometimes they that come close i lay there waiting for it to jump threw the tent pmsl bongon.gif



owe them pics of young pine trees is were plants are going , top spot good day walk in from dirt road , no fucks finding these i hope ,


the lil pine bonsai theres heaps like that up there so ill pinch one when i find a nice one, .


seedlings still close to tent , haveto do a rain dance i can staty out there then , plenty food out here see yas bongon.gif


the 5 pic is of thje hiden tent in bush you can make out the tent in there ,. no lights at night ever just in case

Edited by smashed1
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hi delta , dani , burt n shroomy ,


on me way out now ,


ow burt ill be starting more seeds soon dont worry , just want get these 6 up n in , all me time takeing everything up , strill few more tramps , n rain , ill be set , thumbup.gif


ya shore ya dont want, come camping dani , pmsl ,


see yas , wanta get in before dark ,


see yas soon bongon.gif if i keep going over hills ill be in nimbin by time the weekends on lol

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Cool Captain, you stay safe mate and looking forward to the next update :thumbsup: . lol . Funny how everything seems closer in the bush in the dark of night. Was camping once, heard a tree falling, so I dove over me girlfriend to save her.... lol ..Super Hopper.

Nothing Happened................ so in the morning I went looking for said collapsing tree and it was bloody 1/2 Km away.lol

happy growing , and if the Roo's get to close, they make an excellent steak substitute. lol . Peace. Hopper.

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Cool Captain, you stay safe mate and looking forward to the next update :thumbsup: . lol . Funny how everything seems closer in the bush in the dark of night. Was camping once, heard a tree falling, so I dove over me girlfriend to save her.... lol ..Super Hopper.

Nothing Happened................ so in the morning I went looking for said collapsing tree and it was bloody 1/2 Km away.lol

happy growing , and if the Roo's get to close, they make an excellent steak substitute. lol . Peace. Hopper.


Any excuse to get on top eh! :applause:

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