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Medical Cannabis Strains

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Cheers Delta =), was wondering when this was happen. :thumbsup:


GW Pharmecuticals are the DEVIL! These are the guys who make Sativex, all they study Cannabis for is for their own financial gains.

Big Buisness trying to control all distribution of Cannabis medicine. All they are doing is breaking it down to compounds they can manufacture as medicines.

they will help make Medicinal Cannabis legal and then take on the distribution nationwide... Making GW Pharma the biggest Drug Dealer in the world...............

Love how they try and make it like they are doing Medical users a favour. Lmao.

this guy was hand picked to 'Personalize" the data and try and give off a friendly, no threatening image of GW Pharma.

They are going to make a Medical strain, they already have, and this will be the only "Strain" of Cannabis available to Patients, at their over inflated prices. They will just change the ratio of the THC, CBD etc.


hey are trying to show the government they can have a stable THC output, the government were concerned over variation.

The basis for all medical cannabis is it can't vary over 2% from plant to plant. Same as Pharmicuticals must also have minimal variation, onkly way they can manufacture it as a company.


Robert C Clarke was present at this conference. Even had his mapping of Cannabis recognized. I think he may be using the Pharmas $$$ to finish his research.


These guys are producing 100 tonnes of Cannabis medicine a year, witha view to, just using what they have 300 Tonnes a year........

They are spending a SHITLOAD of money on this data and Research, believe me it's not for the benefit of Humanity.


But at least all their datat will be leaked and we can have it for ourselves, data that took Robert Clarke and the likes a lifetime to collect and be persecuted for, now done in a few years by a team of Smarty people. hehe


At least the presenter is mildly amusing, very well scripted..... :thumbsup: .... a PR persons dreams.


On a funny note..lol ... one of the Doctors names was Dr. Nut Cutter, that had me rollin around for bloody ages.... about minute 28.....


This could go very bad for us stoners and even med users................those guys are rubbin their hands with glee....... they know they sitting on El Dorado. The Snake Oil men, trying to sell you what you can make at home Tinctures etc..... but NEW and IMPROVED. lol

Peace. Gh72

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I'm not sure it's Fraud Vrod :blink: , it's about guys who spent a lifetime doing research into Cannabis finally being able to finish it LEGALLY, so there is an understanding of the components of Cannabis and their medical applications,..... it's their lifes work.

Robert C Clarke and Ed Rosenthal are legends, the work they have done over their lifetimes will live on forever.......... and they have suffered a lot of crap for it.

I for one am indebted to them for the info they provided to the masses on growing. They are referances to SOLID growing tips.


At the end of the day even if they are helping GW, everybody needs a paycheck and if helping the DEVIL develop products helps them put food on the table, so be it. They are seeing the bigger picture....

If these products are made of Natural Cannabis components and not synthesised, and is recognized by goverments as such, you can't stop Natural Cannabis being used as a medicine, anywhere.

I've worked in a nursing home, do you know how many people die each year from Pharmacutical related problems?

It ain't pretty. In fact it's down right Criminal.

So whats worse? , helping "The Devil" do research and maybe saving a lot of lives or standing by while Millions of people live in pain / discomfort / or die from harsh Synthetic Meds?

This research they are doing can be used to fight the Anti-Cannabis laws, these clinical trailled studies are GOLD, which are few and far between because of the legal side of things. These studies show there is no substitute for Natural Cannabis.


Let the Pharma companies use their research dollars up, they can't patent a Natural Compound, so all they are doing is our work for us, and thinking it's all gonna come up GW in the end, they may be suprised. =) ... think Ed and Robert have other plans........

At least then , all we have to fight is Pharma company control over a naturally occurring substance , not the prohibition of almost every country on Earth.........


Joe Petri can talk about the "Sell Out" .lol . He sold out his mates to the CIA to save his own arse back in the day. Which is worse?


Just looks like another fishing trip V-rod, damn you must have a lot of bait to waste............:hooked: .. lol .


Peace. Gh72. :bongon:

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I must admit my favorite bait, grasshoppers, you always get a bite.

Gone fishing




On the internet it's called trolling not fishing :doh:


What are your thoughts on GW pharm Vrod? Is this a good or a bad thing and why?


Do you know where sativex stands in Australia atm (ie. what are its legal uses)? What are your thoughts on that?


What are your thoughts on Australian medical cannabis companies like Ellomo Medical Cannabis P/L or Mullaway's Medical Cannabis P/L ?


Peace MongyMan

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On the internet it's called trolling not fishing :doh:


What are your thoughts on GW pharm Vrod? Is this a good or a bad thing and why?


Do you know where sativex stands in Australia atm (ie. what are its legal uses)? What are your thoughts on that?


What are your thoughts on Australian medical cannabis companies like Ellomo Medical Cannabis P/L or Mullaway's Medical Cannabis P/L ?


Peace MongyMan


All of what GH posted I agree with, the more exposure cannabis gets as a positve medicine is great. With GW it appears they are only looking at MM for helping with as opposed to curing, relief for pain, nausea etc. Usual Pharma shit, ease the suffering but theres no money if everybody gets cured. Having watched their oil making process where they use the entire plant does not make a cancer curing medicine, probably no better than a good tincture. In the US they recently issued 58 licence's to Pharmas, imagine if they all grow 300 tons a year for medical purposes, something good must come of that. But with the good comes the bad, like I've said before, it will be legal to get it from your doctor via the Pharma's but try growing it and they will lock you up. It's about money.

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Here a site that offers great info on the cannabanoid ratio's White Widow was a real surprise.



AND the difference between the Cannatonic clone and a plant gorwn from seed.

The seed born plant was more potent; well that settles a separte debate for me..

clones arent exact copies of the mother plant.

If u cloned a cloned then cloned that I wonder if the potencey would continue to drop.

If so It would be very easy to make a drug free hemp farm, so the locals wont walk away with future building material

Edited by iTiC
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