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R we dying?

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Hey guys...living kill's ya! Every second of it will bring you closer to death. Oh..and beware of bed's too. The stats prove that more then 80% of us die in bed so what about that? I guess compaired to all those other things a joint is worth the extra risk. B)


Btw, I have read in the Lancet once that worrying shortens a human's life. the time you spend worrying about a joint and your health shortens it more then that joint does. Toke and be happy! lol

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Guys I don't wanna diss mj but one of my friend's mom's died of lung cancer at 51. Though she smoked marijuana AND cigarettes she died of lung cancer. I'd luv to blame it all on cigarettes but I know mj had somethin to do with it. You can say mj can't affect your health at all but it does....Almost any drug is going to affect your health. It all depends how often you use it and HOW you use it. I really don't care a ton about my health cuz I'm only 22 and I've tryed to commit suicide 3 times already so I'll smoke as much weed as I want every week, but for those of you who r really concerned about staying healthy. Realize, that any drug you use is going to affect your health in SOME way. :mellow: Edited by WhiteWiDoW
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Guest billy bonger

;) I think no one is saying there are no health risks, i think the general concenses is we don't care or chose to ignore the fact! Everyone goes through the feeling of suicidal thoughts when young, it's the period in your life when you don't know were your goin, it'll pass. B)


billy bonger lol

Edited by billy bonger
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:D :D :) :)


I also know that we are dying if we smoke it,but like some of these other posts say even if we dont smoke we will die,skin cancer,and liver/brain damage from alchohol abuse would kill more people than pot.


POT KILLS CANCEROUS CELLS,tells them to die,does a ciggarette do this NO.

does alcohol do this NO.


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I think one problem with mj is that for cigarette smokers they feel like smoking more. When I used to smoke pot regularly I also smoked cigarettes and would light up one after another. I guess that could be classed as indirect health damage by mj.
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