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Cannabis doco: the union: the business of getting high

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I was searching on google last night under the heading...Cannabis cure for cancer...and it came up with some interesting sights.

One in particular was...The cure for cancer Australia... at the end of the reading there were some videos off You Tube.

Thought the community might get some usefull infomation from these. There were two that stood out:

1: Rick Simpson...Run From the Cure....about 40min long. :thumbsup:

( talks about Hemp Oil and the benifits for illnesses...terminal and non-terminal )


2: The Union: The Business of Getting High....runs for 1hr.45min. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

( talks about cannabis use in USA and Canada; the lies and propaganda involved with...MJ, Hemp, Cannabis..ext.

that the goverments, and Drug Co. so readilly spread to scociety.... :sly: :whistle: )


If you havn't seen these Doco's, I recommend them in the highest order of Research into the fundamentals of Cannabis.

(But then what would I know...I'm just a dope smoking freak, lazy good for nothing... :surrender :whistle: :bongon: )


The link is at the top...if it works...if not, Im sure you could find it given the other information... be interested in what peoples think???

(EDIT: you may need a few sprare hours too watch.)

Cheers from Greenseas


Edited by greenseas
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Rick is doing wonders, all around the world. Everybody should know that cannabis cures cancer, most people who smoke don't know. heres a link for Rick. I joined his FB page long time ago, that's where you learn lots. http://phoenixtears.ca/video-library/


This lady is an 8 time cancer survivour who is at this moment taking the cure, check it out. http://www.lynnicewedewer.com/index.html


There's this dude on FB that's post's all scientific results from tests performed with cannabis, over 2000 this year. http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=100000799515483


Shona Banda has wrote a book " Live free or die" her vid is on Ricks site, check her out on FB.


What about the meds these people have, this is a very interesting site http://www.floweroflifeboulder.com/#!strains


There is so much info out there, just have to get it to the people. There is a cure for Cancer.


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"The Union: The business of getting high"...explains so much as to why these secrets, of the magic of Cannabis, are with held from scociety. The days are numbering less and less for this conspiracy,

as more people begin to know more and more.


Money doesn't make the world go round...it's the arrogance, greed, corruption and conspriacies that do. These things just make the money.

I just can't see how some people can be so nieve as to believe what they are told by goverments to be the truth.

Maybe it's because man has been to the moon?.... :blink: Well... after all, that was on T.V. :faint:


Greenseas :bongon:

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