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150-100mm duct reducers?

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Hey does anyone know where I can find a 150mm to 100mm duct reducer in Perth? I want a clean connection so I won't just cut up the 150mm ducting and reduce the end with tape. Needs to be a proper, good quality duct reducer. Everywhere I've been to only has 200mm to 150mm and up.
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If you are battling, try airconditioning places or maybe plumbing stores which sell stormwater/agriculture pipe. If you can't find one you can make em pretty easily. I have made two of my own, one using a really thin Aluminiumy type sheet of gear and gaffer tape(that can be cut with scissors) and one with sturdy cardboard. They both work just like a bought one and don't leak at all if you use enough tape. Just fold whatever you want to use into a cone-like shape to fit either ends of the ducting and tape it up.
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Hey GGP, I'm a perthite too, and getting some items here can really be a bitch eh? :huh:


Skankmasters advice is pretty good, but you should be able to find something designed for that at a good hydro shop, neh? Ring round, the smaller ones may surprise ya. ;)


Oh yeah, and why are you needing to reduce the size of the ducting, if I can be a nosey bastard.... may be you don't need to... course, you probably do, which is why you're posting this in the first place.... but you never know. ;) :D

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