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Feds Give California Marijuana Dispenaries 45 Days to Shutdown!

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That is so horrible people trying to use it medically are gonna be hurt . That is exactly why the US Government needs to just make it legal. Hemp at one time was one of our most exported items. There was also a time when we were allowed to have it with a permit but I believe as it was told to me you had to have marijuana to get the permit but it was illegal to have it without a permit so when you showed up with the marijuana to get your permit you were cited for possession with out a permit. This just proves that they give us a freedom and then take it away. States making there own choices and laws is not that a freedom in the Constitution. The problem is that the US government is trying to take another freedom away. I wonder how big the donation was and who wrote the check to US Attorney Laura Duffy. U.S. CITIZENS BEWARE YOUR OWN GOVERNMENT IS TRYING TO MAKE YOU LESS FREE !!!!!!!! (STOP THEM BEFORE ITS TO LATE)
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You should check the facts about this.

I see both of you are new members so maybe you can be forgiven for going off like that.


But there are still many, many clinics open all over the USA.

The vast majority in Cali. are operating as they should and are having NO difficulty.


It was a shame that the antics of a few greedy bastards has shut down some of them.

But they were blatantly ignoring the guidelines and had been warned many times.

They were doing harm to all genuine medical users and in fact I believe it was these very users that complained to the authorities !!

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