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Sunpulse Globes

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Running a couple 3k 600w MH sunpulse globes... Who else is runnin them?


What are your thoughts on them?


Anyone had any problems with these globes?


How do you think plants flower under tkhese globes compared to HPS?


An does anyone know how many lumens these bulbs put off?


Cheers, Burnz.

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Heya Burnz, was just checking them out yesterday at the shop and askin heaps of questions. Hehe.

That range of bulbs has a 3k, 4k, 6.5k and a 10k for finishing in UV blue.

I really think its just to try and give em optimum growth/ flowering light att specific times, Dont think you'd notice a diifference wiithout usiing tthe whole range over hps.

We uused to throw an extra mh globe iin wiith the hps lastweekk or two of flowering to boost blue spectrumm and bitt oof UV.


Same deal jjust split up into different globes.

Soorry, stoorm coomiing, my phoone gooes batty. Llaters mate. Gh772

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