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Call for QUIT CANNABIS CAMPAIGN - 'Family Voice'

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Ros Philips of Family Voice Australia is calling for a TV advertising campaign and specialised Cannabis rehab services to help Australians quit cannabis.


"Right now we are seeing a very effective TV campaign encouraging tobacco smokers to quit. But there is nothing to encourage cannabis or marijuana smokers to do the same, despite mounting evidence of the damage it does to the physical and mental health".


Nothing to encourage/ brutally force cannabis consumers to give up their choice? Really? What about No Tolerance Against Cannabis Campaigns, which consist of persecution, harrassment, slander, vilification, discrimination, false imprisonment, home invasions, robberies (fines, confiscations acts) and a shit load of hate-filled propaganda...including posters, TV, Cinema, Internet ads etc. Ms Philips, where do you think the anti-smoking crusaders got all their hate filled persecution tactics that they wield against cigarettes to begin with?


"The latest study, confirming the link between cannabis and schizophrenia was released this week", she said.


"Earlier studies have shown the increased risk of depression associated with cannabis use, on top of physical problems like those of tobacco - lung and other diseases".


Link between Cannabis and Schizophrenia is directly connected to whether you are already prone to schizophrenia (1.6% - 2% Worldwide). However, for Ms Philips to wield schizophrenia and depression to attack cannabis without also wielding the multitude of evidence of how CBD laden strains have been applied for centuries to treat mental illness, including depression and schizophrenia is ignorant and discriminatory, to say the least.


As for the "physical problems like those of tobacco".... most, if not all of them, have been scientifically disproven. But, for those who disapprove of the smoking factor...well, it's always time for tea, brownies, cakes, cookies, ice-cream, butter etc. and for those who still wish to continue inhaling their choice of herbal drug, well......don't criticize - vapourize!


Mrs. Philips said that 1/3 of all Australians have used cannabis at some time. Even more disturbing is the 14 percent of Aussie teens who are users, and who face a greater risk of harm because their brains are still developing.


A third of all Australians have used cannabis at some time. Who cares? ABUSE is the problem, not use or choice!


Secondly, Ms Philips, considering you're supposedly 'caring' about youth and brains being toxically or non-toxically harmed - why aren't you, Family Voice, and the rest of Australia's Anti-Cannabis Crusader Collectives - and the Media who back you - stating.....


"We find it extremely disturbing that ethane hydroxide/ethanol/ethyl alcohol is the most used, abused, and addicted-to recreational, psychoactive toxic drug by children and youth, as well as it being abused by the reported 64% of adult Australia (and the rest), and we call for the Government to create ethanol drug rehabs and ethanol drug QUIT CAMPAIGNS, and while we're at it we can do the same thing for kiddie meth (tri-methyl-xanthine/caffeine) and the myriad of Pharmaceutical drugs that now target people from the cradle to the grave".


Thirdly, considering they call themselves ''Family Voice'', why do they agree with biased drug policies that tear families apart, while allowing ABUSE to beat the shit out of the family unit on both sides of the licit/ illicit divide?


Why do they - the ''Family Voice" SHUT that Family Voice when it comes to every family medium now being sponsored, partnered with, or connected in some way with 'legal' recreational or medicinal drugs, drug takers, drug dealers, drug pushers, drug cartels, drug lords, drug mascots, drug slogans, drug logos, drug pushing celebrities and drug empires?


"Compare the 14 percent of dope smoking teens with the 13.5 percent who smoke tobacco (AIHW 2005), and ask yourself why there is a Quit Tobacco Campaign and not a Quit Cannabis Campaign".


And while that ''Family Voice'' goes silent on the legal drug collective. they open their big fat mouths and state, "Dope smoking teens!", because they're too disrespectful and busy riding their high horse to state, "Cannabis smoking teenagers".


Secondly, don't wield OLD statistics that weren't even accurate back then! But, whatever the stats are, you need to ask yourself why you're too gutless to ask for a QUIT ABUSE Campaign that targets abuse of all drugs equally, while allowing choice and respectful use, as is our human right - even though people like you, Ms Philips, seek to dehumanise us under the name of, 'helping' us. There is a difference, Ms Philips (and this goes for ALL 'Say no to drugs collectives'/ Governments) between respectful intervention and disrespectful interference!


"Tobacco causes lung cancer, heart disease and other problems - but cannabis can lead to these diseases and serious mental illness as well".


Again I state, there is no evidence that cannabis can cause lung cancer, heart disease or other tobacco related problems. And, as for your serious mental illness statement, to dismiss all the evidence of how cannabis (combined with decent nutrition, as it should be with all drugs - see 'Drugs, If You Don't Eat, They'll Eat you" article on this website) has been proven to benefit a multitude of serious and non-serious mental illness/ ailments/disorders, is a blatant act of neglect of care.


"It can destroy careers and family life even before they have begun".


Bullshit, Ms Philips! Cannabis is one of the most beneficial plant genera on this earth. People who persecute collectives dismiss the logical fact that ABUSE can, and does, destroy careers, family life & anything else that crosses its path - and yes, abuse has been and is manifested on the Cannabis genus. How come gutless cowards like you choose to persecute and discriminate against individuals and collectives, instead of calling for a "QUIT ABUSE CAMPAIGN"....but that would mean that Ms Philips and others would have to QUIT their abuse of others, as well as their own choices.


Ros Philips says that "there is plenty of Government support for tobacco addicts and to a degree for addicts of other drugs - but no dedicated rehab programme to help people wanting to Quit Australia's most used illicit drug".


No dedicated rehab programme for the multitude of other drugs branded 'legal', notwithstanding...... I take it that Ms Philips hasn't seen the amount of different Cannabis Prevention/ Cure You of Cannabis/ Cannabis and Mental Health Heretic Hunting Institutes, that they call Clinics and Rehabs?


For that matter, I take it she hasn't seen our Governments' magnificent Weed Habilitation Centre called Jail?....where you get rehabilitated from a peaceful cannabis consumer into a violent, abused, hard core criminal - that's if you survived it.


There's always the other side, where you get rehabilitated from a peaceful cannabis consumer - through trauma - into a 'hard drug' abuser, ending up as one of Govvy's Poster children, or back in their rehabs, or back in jail. And these bastards are hard core dedicated to shoving us in these Centres one way or another, while they flood our country with Drugs Branded LEGAL!


"I call upon all State and Federal Governments to address this very serious health problem", she said.


Every single Health Problem in Australia (and Worldwide) stems from abuse of some sort. This includes abusive practices that filter their way down to impact the innocent. Australia's regular Health Crises (While politicians etc. fill their wallets and waste money waging WAR), is a brilliant example of this.


The simple fact of the matter is:




and you cannot lobby/ call upon our Corridors of Power to address the Social Abuse problem of Australia, because they themselves are some of the biggest abusers......while they call upon others to QUIT THEIR CHOICES!

Edited by Medcanpoet
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Make it legal and save the tax payers money. Fuck me we have so many do gooders making up our minds for us that nothing of importance really gets done. AH! Christians are going to save us from ourselves. Maybe we should all infiltrate these retards and slowly change their fucked up way of thinking.:ack:
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Bravo. Simply bravo. It's a shame they would never let you or anyone else here, not to mention any logical person into the spotlight to retort these claims.


Instead they would much rather have new members of the cannabis culture with no real knowledge to speak on our behalf.

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