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QUESTION: Who hasn’t been to Bali and scored and consumed a shitload of G.O.D.’s drugs? (Government Ordained Drugs).


Whether you scored them at the airport (under cheap Duty Free Drugs), or you scored them at the resort where you were staying, or you scored them off the many thousands of Bali’s so-called ‘legal’ recreational drug dealers (Note: Bali’s legal drug dealers and our legal drug dealers have a lot in common. They both invite legal druggies known as Police into their dealer to wipe out any drug dealing competition taking place in their drug dealing and consumption establishments, so they have complete drug dealing monopoly.


Both our Police and their Police are now just legal drug ‘bitches’ working for cartels, locking up 14 year olds - the same 14 year olds that the ‘legal’ cartels target with drugs and the same 14 year olds that the Police and Government help legal drug cartels to target. Hell! Just like Australia, Bali also does ‘Schoolies/ School Leaver ethanol drug parties, functions and events†- and our ‘Say No to Drugs’ Campaigners bow down to them and the drug money that flows from them.


THE FACTS ARE CLEAR……While two Governments (Australia and Indonesia) traffic drugs and drug empires back and forth between our two Countries, and flood our Countries with drug dealers and drug pushers - a 14 year old has become the latest cannabis hostage in the ethanol/ legal drug supremacy War.


Just think about it.


Indonesia flogs drugs across Bali, while locking people up for drugs and marching down the street calling for people’s murder (it happens) for being drug dealers, traffickers and consumers, as the terrorists they are. And, our Country and the legal terrorists we call our Government agrees. (Def. ‘terrorism’ - ‘the act of putting someone in perpetual fear and dread for their life and/or quality of it). And while our Government and the Indonesian Governments send drugs and drug money back and forth, they state, “Drugs fund terrorism!â€


Well, in their regard this is 100% accurate. Think of this logically.


Every cent you give to a legal drug lord, when you score their recreational and medicinal toxic, psychoactive drugs (ethanol, nicotine, caffeine and pharmaceuticals), finds its way - either through revenue or drug lord funded Political donations - into Government coffers which includes their massive ‘Say no to illicit drugs only/ take my drugs only or I’ll beat you to a pulp’ War Chest.


Who do you think funds the rape of cannabis culture and other so-called illicit collectives? Legal Drug Empires do, and they believe that this drug funding and competition eradication is, â€all good/ good as gold/ gives our drug lords wings/what mates do etcâ€.


NEWSFLASH! I know people who are in ‘illicit’ culture who also regularly consume…oh, sorry, go to a legal drug dealer (like a Family Supermarket, Service Station, Family tavern and any other drug dealer we can attach the word Family to), score some form of toxic legal drug taken by every ‘say no to illicit drugs only’ collective, and pay the drug dealer for the privilege. That drug dealer in turn takes that money and gives a percentage to their Government to buy their/ our Police and turn them into babysitters, drug pushers, competition eradicators and rapists (those who seize and violate others).


It’s time people realized the truth. Every legal drug you score is paying to hire another gang rapist to run a legal train through you, your beliefs, your traditions, your practices and your culture. It’s that simple!


As long as we allow these legal junkies and terrorists to force their Selective Drug Prohibition policies - every time you score the recreational or medicinal psychoactive, Government Ordained Drugs (ethanol, nicotine, caffeine & pharmaceuticals), and you KNOW where this drug money is going and what criminal violation activities it’s funding, you are paying for your own rape, you are paying for your own terrorization, you are paying for your own molestation, “You are paying for your own CULTURAL GENOCIDEâ€! It’s like paying someone to drink a carton of Tooheys New (â€the drug mates doâ€) and them taking a piss on an aboriginal smoking ceremony —- and guess what?


The payers are the Legal Drug Cartels - the ones pissing on us are the Government, the Police, the Media and the ‘Say no to illicits only’ Campaigners, and what’s the ‘aboriginal smoking ceremony’ being pissed on? Well, that’s a 10,000 year old Cannabis culture they’re pissing on, isn’t it?


But, this isn’t surprising, Australian Governments and the Empires they serve, have made a living from PISSING ON THE HUMAN RIGHTS, Freedoms and Choices of others and then declaring war on them because “they now stinkâ€.


Meanwhile, how many Political Prisoners must languish in jails run by drug users, abusers and addicts, who bow down to other drug users, abusers and addicts…who all bow down to Legal Drug Empires. You don’t believe it? Whether in Bali or Australia it’s hard to go anywhere or do anything without being targeted religiously by G.O.D. (Government Ordained Drugs). Now maybe you can understand while America and the rest of the World fucked God off, while still stating shit like, ‘One Nation under G.O.D. and ‘In G.O.D. we trust’.


Drugs are now a religion, with the Pantheon being headed by a drug god, formerly known as Dionysius/ Bacchus (as in ‘Back us, back our drugs, back our drug culture, back our drug choice persecution, or else!â€), and now known as Ethan Nol…… and people are beating the infidel and their culture to death in the name of this pantheon of G.O.D.s and locking up 14 year olds for the equivalent of drug that I can score over a bar in one dose, in ‘Say no to illicit drugs/ say yes to legal drugs, drug bigotry nation called Indonesia/ Bali’.


This 14 year old is a VICTIM! Plain and simple!


He’s a victim of Drug Supremacy and Dictatorship….because dollars for donuts, the same Country that arrested him for a class C drug would have happily sold his parents a Class A drug.


I’m 94% sure they bloody did, as 94% of Australians consume the drug ethanol, including when they go on holiday in ‘Take legal drugs only, or else !’ Countries, like Indonesia.


When our Politicians, Police and Media go on holidays to Bali, 94% of them score recreational, psychoactive drugs - and because their choice of drugs are branded legal, they believe they have the right to use, abuse and addict themselves to them while waging world war on drug CHOICE, and locking up our people (including this latest 14 year old drug supremacy war victim!)


Welcome to the Fair Go For Fuck All….all aboard the Dictator Ship!


copyright: Medcanpoet 8th October, 2011


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