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Best Soil for Outdoor Grow

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Hey guys this is my first time on the ozstoners forums, you guys can call me NSPC (not spilling the chop) if you want, Anyway I hope to get a few outdoor growing tips from you guys and like maybe someone can direct me to the right soil mix. Also i recently received a nordle seedling from a mate who got it from the mr nice MNS seedbank and its growing really well, i'll post a picture when it gets a bit bigger! cheers guys Edited by Not spilling the chop
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heya NSTC great that you could join us :applause:


i dunno if this is a school holiday project, or if you really wanna put in a few months devotion to a green psychoactive plant ... and that does have its own rewards let me assure you :P


so , soil mix you ask ....

given the circumstances i reckon you should go with a good quality potting mix something that has all the Quality Assured ticks in the red box, on the label,

thats presuming you are using a pot ... but if youre not,

then just breakup ya soil with a fork, throw in a coulpe o' handfuls of Blood&Bone mix well,

plant the bastard in the soil, place two handfuls of dynamic lifter pellets around the stem, mulch generously with some organic matter and water in well


easy isnt it

in fact it doesnt get any easier

its harnessing Nature to your advantage

go for it ;)




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G'day NSPC.


As brother Frazz said, but add a good handful of garden lime and a healthy sprinkle of sulphate of potash too. Also any well rotted animal manures, anything organic, though not dead people, they stink. Straw mulch is good, pea, oaten, wheat it doesn't matter, whatever is cheapest. Sugar cane mulch is good, but getting expensive, yuppies have found it for their dinky little gardens, and as a result the price has skyrocketed. Buy a 1ltr can of Go-Go Juice from Bunnings, for about $15, and use as directed, canned fucking magic this stuff. I use it indoors and outdoors as well. You can find all you need to know in Cannaversity, right here.



:guitar: :guitar: :guitar:




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Hey guys. I really wanna get this badboy the best it can be but I'm not sure if I should put it into the ground or into a massive ceramic pot,(the pot only has 1 drainage whole in the centre but its a good sized hole. Also say i put it in the ground I've only got crappy sand to plant it in what should I put down on top of the sand to get it all started? do you guys reckon good quality soil mixed in with some mushroom compost, perlite, worm castings, sheep shit and some of the stuff you guys mentioned would be good? any help would be sick cheers guys!
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Yeah that will work fine but just make sure you throw a little lime as the others have said into the organic matter and mix it up. Put that at the bottom of your pot/hole then a nice thick layer of potting soil on top so when you transplant the plants roots don't burn and stunt the plants growth.....instead they will get established and then hit the nutrient rich soil and go for gold.

Alll the best

scraps :pimp:

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G'day NSTC.


Import of seed is illegal, very much so. As far as who recieved and who didn't recieve their seed, it's a thing where some have, some haven't. There are companies who advertise seed for sale on the site, you may wish to use one of them. I believe they are all reasonable. There are heaps of posts on here, look them up and make up your own mind. It's all a bit of a lottery. I did it once and everything worked out fine, but that was it for me. I've successfully crossed the strain I got with a local one for an excellent result.


:guitar: :guitar: :guitar:

Edited by Auntynorm
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