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yeah I very much agree with Gruntus, the high is a creeper. I usually find it peaks about 5-10 minutes after you finished vaping. I haven't done enough smoking to compare properly, as I virtually used the vape from day 1 of becoming a full time stoner, but i don't reckon there's a lot of difference.


the big thing is obviously health considerations, but also you use much less weed. also very good for smoking oil or hash, which can be pretty wasteful if you try and smoke these in a bong or joint. Vapes were originally made for hash smoking.

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Guest Wilderbud
i've never tried hash ..  is it just like compessed herb or does it have an enhanced effect ?

Its resin [trichomes]. You can get a mull grinder that collects it for you from some smoke shops or you can make it in bulk.


You get a euphoric effect from hash usually and it tastes nice so its worth trying. :huh:

Edited by Wilderbud
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hey Gruntus, I'm not sure about aromazap, but I've just got the cheap vape where you put your gear in the bowl and it heats it up. Nice and simple. tips out easy too. repeated oil use can be a pain though. I need to take the bowl off and give it a scrub under hot water to get the gunk off.


in terms of hash, I've found it gives you a heavy buzz and well and truly sits you on your ass. It really is hard to get the hard hitting high of hash with normal buds I've found. its just easier. Couple hits of hash and you're done.


I've found hash gives much heavier body stone and oil gives more trippy headstone. but, maybe this is just the power of suggestion, as this is what I read prior to trying it myself. Sometimes I try and figure out what type of stone I'm getting then give up and just sit back and enjoy it. Its all good.

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