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Male plant


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my mate has his crop growing. It's about the stage where the plants are starting to show their reproductive organs. Does the male plant contain enough THC in the leaves to make you high. We would like to keep some leaf to make hash cookies for an all day buzz.


We would like to know if it is worth taking the leaves off the male plant to make some leaf before we destroy them.?


Also if we were to keep the male plants just to get leaf, how far away should we move them from the females to stop them from recieving the pollen.?

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Contrary to myth, males do contain thc, just nowhere near the quantities in a sinse female. They're short lived, so there isn't really time for it to develop enough.


We would like to know if it is worth taking the leaves off the male plant to make some leaf before we destroy them.?


You can use it for leaf. No worries.


Also if we were to keep the male plants just to get leaf, how far away should we move them from the females to stop them from recieving the pollen.?


Bout 5 km's or so.... ::huh:: :D No kidding. The stuff is like powder, and cannabis is usually a wind pollinated plant. So if you do decide to hold onto flowering males, make sure exclusion is absolute. If you can seal it in an independent room or structure, then wear overalls and shower after dealing with males. Pollen is very tiny, and very fertile, and it's practically invisible to the naked eye at an individual grain level.


One trick would be to pull all the male flowers and flowering branches off as they appear or open, that way you're removing any potential pollen release before it happens. Still, I'd probably say just cut em down as soon as they open their first proper flowers, (the colas, not just preflowers, because they can relatively easily be removed) as it's more hassle than it's worth.


Hope that helps. Males aren't so much useless, as dangerous to sinse crops. Very dangerous. ;)

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Guest weekprik

my thought is to KILL EM ALL, fuck males if your only keeping them for leaf.


but keep it if you want decent seeds,


all male leaf does to me is give me headaces.


why risk seeding your ladies?

Edited by weekprik
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wade ounce, vapes are an acquired skill I reckon - in the using and the appreciating. I find the high creeps up on me using the vape - but it's sooo clean - I now really appreciate good tasting buds (when I smoke I usually just taste smoke). Plus they don't fuck up your lungs or (if you're like me) your nose.Lots of threads on these boards about them - do a search. Edited by Gruntus
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