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Sydney gets canabis clinic

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cannabis can be addictive, as can anything. Right now I'm addicted to posting at Oz Stoners.


I have read about mild withdrawl symptoms on this and other boards from chronic smokers trying to quit, like headaches, mood swings, trouble sleeping.


but, there are many people out there who a chronic smokers trying to kick the habit and can't. believe it, cause its true. just as there are many people out there addicted to food, or sex or gambling, or any number of things which aren't chemically addictive.


you are not going to come across people trying to kick their pot addiction on sites like this obviously. If you are a member here its probably a given you are happy being a pothead. :P

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Yeah pipeman I agree with you totally, addiction is not the same as dependance, but some members here may like to take a break from mj, like you did recently, but find it very difficult, it can only be advantagous for the community to have as much knowledge as possible on the subject.



@luke I have had a look through the medical research into mj and yeah there is a shit load on adverse effects but mate guess what if you look up an anti-cancer drug then you will find a shit load of toxicology on those drugs, for new food additives the FDA requires very extensive testing before it can be used and there are good reasons for this-thalidomide, therefore for a drug to be safely used in the clinic in the US or OZ then it has to pass the FDA or TGA respectivly.


. A single drug costs averege 300 million to get to the clinic and this is spend mostly on the clinical trials, and most of these trials are directed towards the adverse effects of the drug 1st on animals then on ppl. These trials can go on for years.


Most of the evidence taught to docs and drug reseachers about the knowlegde of adverse effects of mj are listed in a thread I started on mj effects and med uses and you will find the scientific community is not changing the results of expt, have a look at a few review papers if you don't believe me, most of the info indicates it is no where near as dangerous as any of the legal drugs and that is what today doctors, pharmacists and drug research scientists are being taught..


That being said what happens in the lab and the published results are seldom the message the mass media communicates. We need very extensive research into the adverse effects and denying that will not help the legalisation esp. for med use.


As far as research being done in oz, Carr is setting up a parallel trial with the med admin of mj, and there is literally 100's if not 1000's of papers on the med uses of mj I would be happy to post some but it is pointless unless someone needs something specific


I would be happy to read anything you have to contrary, as long a it is from a reputable source, because yes I agree a lot of the time the evidence is distorted by the media for it's own purposes.

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:P could i have the link to this source? :P

glad to see ppl know so much about their mj use.

i think the main thing we have to differenceate( sorry 'bout the spelling :P ) is that mj users are ok with their mj use. mj abusers are not.

the mj abusers need help....so where if not this cannabis clinic are they gonna get it????

maybe , instead of deciding for them.....lets ask them...what do they want from a 'mj rehab clinic.....do they even want an mj rehab clinic????'

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@siouxie sioux


A good place to go is the thread I started on mj effects and med uses (at the very end)there is a very good link to mj for med uses that is run by the NIH ,a US govt organisation, the info in my post is a summary of the info avail in 2001from this site. The many articles I refered to are available in the various journals published throughout the world since 1950 (for this database), and relate to medical subjects, so posting the mj related ones indiscriminately may not be liked by the mods etc as I could be posting 20x a day. Instead I thought I would have a look through the literature and when something came up I would post it, but never more than 2 unsolicited posts of abstracts a week. This would also allow ppl to read and ask questions if they wanted, if you have a specific question then do not hestitate to ask and I will give you an answer and the source (so you can check it).


Umm as for the rest of your post well yeah I agree, sort of... I think, all my previous posts in this thread have stated I support the mj clinic as the alternatives were NA etc before and these are not suitable in many cases. And yes we do need one, it is a persons right to stop doing drugs and therefore it is a responsible societies duty to provide these services. This means less spent on healthcare(accidents liver disease cancer etc), but it also means happier healthier ppl. Denying them access to these services will only serve to alienate the ppl who use too much mj, and want to stop, and this can only be detrimental. As for the running of the clinic there are professionals with a lot of experience in these matters as for asking the users well it couldn't hurt to get their input.


The difference between an abuser and a user, as you put it, has more to do with the effect it has on their life, the WHO and every other drug/alcohol counselor will tell you the definition of addiction is a syndrome characterised by compulsive drug-seeking behaviour that results in an impairment in social and physiological functions or damage to health, its not that ppl are guilty about taking drugs or are not OK with it but they have a physiological problem that means they can't help themselves, I've known some ppl that are only happy when there on the gear and they are totally ok with it, but even after years of sobriety they will still go out and have a fix or a drink even tho they know once they start it will be v.hard to stop, that is addiction, going cold turkey for 2 days and giving up because the sickness is too bad is not defined as addiction, that is dependance, which I believe is the term used in the article that begins this thread.

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