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Sydney gets canabis clinic

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SYDNEY'S first cannabis clinic will be established to help heavy users quit the drug and curb its use by young people, the NSW government announced today.


NSW Special Minister of State John Della Bosca said the clinic, aimed to help people highly dependent on cannabis, is part of a $2.4 million state government program.


The clinic, to be set up in Parramatta, is the flagship for more planned on Sydney's west and south, the NSW central coast and central west.


Mr Della Bosca said the latest government initiative highlighted the serious health consequences of cannabis use, particularly to young people.


"The people coming to this clinic will be seeking treatment for serious mental health, fitness and social problems caused by their cannabis use," he said.


"This clinic will provide the medical expertise, surroundings and encouragement to help cannabis users maintain the personal motivation required to beat the addiction."


The Western Sydney Area Health Service will run the clinic in collaboration with the Salvation Army. It is expected to deliver counselling to 400 people each year.


The 2001 National Drug Strategy Household Survey reported that one in three Australians aged 14 years or older had used cannabis at some time in their life. The highest prevalence age group for cannabis is 14-24.


The Daily Telegraph.

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Another anti mj platform by those that wish to ban it's use for all. These "young people" may have mental problems, some of which may be excacerbated by mj use, granted, but which are present anyway. There is no such thing as physical mj addiction. I believe some people may need help with life in general but to blame mj is the wrong approach.


Why on one hand do we have expert elements of the medical profession trying to establish medical use, yet 'government experts' concluding people need treatment for "serious mental health, fitness and social problems caused by their cannabis use."

Sorry, we need to look into the social issues which cause serious mental health, fitness and cannabis / other drug abuse. Why treat the sympyons & ignore the cause.


"If ya dont live life right, you can't smoke the pipe".

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I think its a service thats needed.  there are a lot of people out there who are trying to kick a chronic addiction to pot.

yeah exactly, they have a clinic for people addicted to text messaging in england.


There is already many services for alcoholics, You must be blind not to notice, and services for gamblers, but until now marijuana users have been stuck in with the real junkies.


Giving up marijuana can be a very hard thing to do, its not physically addictive, but most marijuana smokers are surrounded by other marijuana smokers who dont want them to quit, most marijuana smokers dont have much going on in there lives and find it hard themselves to come up with something to do other than smoke marijuana all day. Being able to be around other people who are also trying to give up marijuana would be a great support.


Throwing in marijuana users with other drug users is wrong. i cant understand why anyone would not support this idea.

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"If ya dont live life right, you can't smoke the pipe".


uhhm if you dont live your life right you probably shouldn't drink alcohol or take panadol or wank. That is fucking stupid.


Kids hearing bullshit information like pot is 100% safe and not addictive is a big cause of problems, like sure the media and the government likes to bullshit and spread alot of propaganda, but dope smokers give back alot of stuff that is equally bullshit.


Kids shouldn't be hearing bullshit like pot is not addictive, all drugs are addictive, everything is addictive, everyone is addicted to something all through there life no matter what it is, and pot is a thing that is not to good to be addicted to.

Like kids start smoking the shit and liking it, so they smoke it all day, so there friends that dont smoke eventually drop off and there friends that do smoke are around constantly, it becomes the routine of there lives, searching for pot all day and smoking it. Most people will grow out of that shit by the time they are 20 or so, but if kids wanna get out earlier and want help to do it than they have a right to get help, as much right as any drug user who needs help.

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well put wc .i've heavily smoked for years.if i go a day without a smoke i turn into a fucken animal.i once went to the quack about this.he handed me a box of vals and told me to come back if it doesn't help and he'd give me something stronger. yeah no shit.!

i fully encourage such a squeme and hope with fingers crossed that such a thing comes to qld.

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:huh: don't get ;) me wrong,I thoroughly enjoy smoking weed.it,s just in my case it keeps my mind to a cool sometimes rational :D level.i don't get all violent or anything,it's just that i get very edgey i spose cranky even, and just don't want anything to do with anybody and people basically don't want anything to do with me.i spose i,m just not a nice bloke when i'm straight!

And all the cash i've spent on it over the years.when you smoke heavey,and are not in a position to grow your own it can cost you a fortune.fortunately i'm not in that position these days, but for many years i was.i've seen lives and marriages destroyed over having to pay for weed.these are good people who just over the years have become dependent for reasons that white cluster already mentioned.

i'm sure that we would be better off. finally the pollies may be looking forward to a better future.can only hope hey.

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