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YANKS go even Crazier

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I don't think the last word is spoken about this "incident", imagine, this kind of shit wasn't happening in the old USSR and even in China they don't do this kind of thing to children at a school.


The U.S. is now in line with the nazi's and South American Dictatorships. Oops, I guess the South American Dictators aren't there anymore, and the nazi's shouldn't be either. well...now the world has Asscroft to look at and that American "Drug Csar"


In my opinion it's all about RULE BY FEAR, and what's easyer then scare the hell out of kids, let them grow up with that fear for "The State" rooted deep in them, even Hermann Goering didn't think of that, or maybe even the nazi's had more respect for children.


Article about this incident here[Cannabis News]

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It's a very sick society, the U.S. *pukes, what to expect from people who vote a robot for governor recently and an idiot president who has an IQ of 93! and that's just enough brains to remeber what he's been told to do by the chemical and war industry.

before they elected the fascist robot I had some hopes for 2004 and believed in the common sense of the American people but after they voted for ubermensch to be governor in their "sunshine state" I can't take the American people serious anymore. Let them destroy their own democracy and civilisation but if it was up to me we (the rest of us humans, the other 95%) would build a huge wall around it and boycot that nation, the world will become a peacefull place again. :angry:


These people get more scary every day.....what's next?

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Umm I argree with the sentiment but Bush WAS NOT elected in 2000 in any sense of the word, imo I would describe it more like a coup, ever read stupid white men, the Mic Moore book (also awful truth and bowling for columbine) The GOP pulled off the biggest scam any political party has pulled off in US history Lets hope the ppl who support the democrats in the US get out there and vote after the debacle in 2000.
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I hate living in the us so fuc*ing much.:angry: As soon as i graduate im moving to holland or australia. not sure yet. even moving to canada would be great. not thaf canada is bad. Im disgusted with the us government. i need to smoke some pot to make me feel happy again. :P
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