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YANKS go even Crazier

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Anyone see the crap that they pulled in the USa, the "land of the free" (:)) the other day?


Full scale drug raids, with cops holding guns on school children, terrorising them, as they searched their bags and lockers. The kids fell to the ground, were made to lay with their hands out, as if they had commited a crime, and scared them shitless.


How much dope did the cops find? None.


The cops reckon they did nothing over the top. And the principle says he saw nothing wrong with what they did.


It seems that the land of the free, the centre of western civilastion, the leader of the free world, and other self proclaimed bullshit names; finds no offence in menacing children with guns, when they've not done a single thing wrong.


Why on earth they needed to hold guns at the kids has me fucked, but it was america, and you know them.


Man that country is way out of control.



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Guest billy bonger

Couldn't agree more rob, do they expect those kids to respect police now? would those kids go to a cop for help? Americans are an arrogant race and will try to force there opinion on everyone, the more power they get the more they want!


billy bonger :)

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yeah I saw that. Fucking crazy shit, the police are evil people, I dont care if you think its just a job, its not, to do that kind of thing takes a completely moralless cold evil motherfucker, the only people worse then pigs is school principals, those cunts lives revolve around getting there dick sucked by nerdy girls and ruining the lives of drug taking underachieving students, calling the pigs at any chance they can get and making out something is bigger than it is just so they can get they satisfaction of seeing there students getting fucked over. Then they wonder why these kids are such evil horrible people and come back to school to kill 13 of the decent students.
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Guest Babybear
I dont think the sniffer dogs were to much i thoguht the holdin Loaded guns at the children was to much , An i think alot of parents would of been fine with the dogs if they wernt holdin guns like that
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It takes a certain frame of mind to want to go out every day to push people around.


I know what the law is, and what morals are, but I find no reason to want to go telling everyone how to live, and what to do. Everyone breaks the law, all day, every day, cops included.


How do you go from breaking thelaw yourself, to joyfully terrorising people while you enforce the same law against others?


Hard hearts is all i can think of.


What kind of hero holds all those kids the way they did, just to look for a few skimpy drugs. Like what did they expect to find? A couple kilos of heroin? A few slabs of coke? Or at best a few dribs and drabs of drugs that would be so scant....as it is, they found nothing. What a crock. They should be dragged over coals for what they did. If such a thing happened to my kids, they'd never set foot in that school again. I belive it's the school's duty of care to protect my kids from terrorism, no matter who it is that is doing the terror.


I've had cops hold me with guns three times in my life, and if you think it isn't scarey, well i can't blame ya. It's somthing you have to go through to understand. Knowing they could shoot ya in the dark of the night, and somehow justify it too, makes it all the more frightening. (my case, not theirs). Just the same, day time or night, looking at the barell of a gun pointed at you is amazingly frightening. It doesn't matter who it is holding it, that part is irrelevant.


I don't hold to all this new wave of law suits, but I'd go them on this one.




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working as a cop has a tendency to turn you into a different person. A good friend of mine used to be a cop, and admitted to me he turned into a bit of a cunt when he was a cop. Its not intentional, its just how you tend to be. Maybe a combination of dealing with criminals and lowlifes all day long, having so many people hate your guts and the general stress of the job. Its the culture of the "war on drugs" that shares the blame, and thats being fed by the polititions, and to a certain extent the general public as well. As scary as it is, there are a lot of people that would see no problem with police menacing school kids with guns. They might even see it as a good thing. but, thats the great ol US through and through, militarily and economically superior to the rest of world, yet culturally they are still in the dark ages.
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I agree with all the seniments expressed, I had a cop pull a gun on me and my mate after a so-called friend picked us up in a hot car, (unbeknown to us) and after the dickhead driver saw a cop car he tried to outrun it with a 1600 toyota ('75), then dumped the car and us to face the music, so the cop who was one out, in my view had a right to draw on us to ensure we did not have a concealed weapons in the car with us, and if the officer uses the proper procedure, ie. the trigger guard, then it is fairly safe. And yeah I was shit scared esp. because he had his finger on the god damn trigger (and this was when we were out of the car and had our hands in the air) and I could see how nervous/scared the young cop was because the gun was waving about like he had parkinsons


For traffic stops in the US the cops pull their guns all the time, in oz it would hardly ever happen in a routine traffic stop. I think the prevelence of guns esp easily concealed high powered sub-machne guns and pistols make police work in the US more like a war zone, so while I am playing devils advocate and trying to illustrate their side of the story and how prevalent guns and gun related fatalites are the US I wonder how young the kids were, whether there was a history of weapons in the school and also what sort of precautions could they have taken to minimise the risk of a kid going berserk when they raided the school or just min the use of their weapons.YANKS ARE CRAZY the only thing crazier is how much they luv their guns (bowling for columbine puts forward a reason for this; FEAR

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I rekon it is a general thing with a lot of(not all) policepersons(whether they are conscious about it or not), as soon as they put on that badge and pick up that gun, they ARE the law... I have no probs with cops doing their jobs, good on em for doing it, but there has to be a clear line between doing your job to uphold the law and being a fuckwit and thinking you are the law. Holding a gun to a kid is just unexcusable, the wankers should be flogged in public. Especially if it is for a little dope for fucks sake, if the kids had huge shipments of heroin in their lockers or atomic bombs they should be treated in a manner of caution, but not with guns pointed at them. I have never had a gun pointed at me(thank god) but have had some coppers pull off the whole "i am the law and you WILL obey you punk kid" routine. Generally i think ozzie cops are pretty good in this regard(and the UK bobbies are better as they don't have guns- only whistles!) but the US is way beyond a joke- and they wonder(as stated before) why kids end up going on shooting sprees. The good old US of A, what a fucked up place....land of the free and home of the brave.... yeah right.
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Some good reply's there people!...

There's no doubt that what they did was so fucken wrong it defies words!


I was brought up (as probly most of you were) to respect the Police.

Over the years They have lost all of my respect....Fuck the Police!!!!


They have proven to me time and time again that the majority are underworked, overpaid, liars, corrupt, try to bully and intimidate and just all round cunts.


i'll respect the police when they give me respect. respect is earned. :huh:


Y'nkow if they go to a domestic or anything that could induce stress then they are intitled to take leave with full pay and are usually just given a few day's as a matter of course....I never got that on any job I worked at :D

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