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Treating Epilepsy with Cannabis



[/size Hi, this is my first post - thanks in advance to anyone who reads this and sincerely grateful to anyone who can help.


I see there have been previous threads on the topic of treating epilepsy with cannabis. I would be great to read some updates on the continued and long term use of cannabis to prevent seizures.


My 29 year old son has had epilepsy for the past 10 years. He has never taken conventional (??) medication - his doctor and I considered the potential costs/side effects were too risky given he had infrequent seizures. Sadly, the frequency of seizures has increased this year and I now have no choice but to administer some kind of anti-epileptic treatment. I dread giving him any of the drugs that are usually prescribed - the side effects are horrendous. He has significant disabilities and it is impossible to see how his overall health would not be compromised and he could be anything but more disadvantaged by taking such harmful substances - with only a chance that the seizures will be reduced or eliminated.


Before going anywhere near those toxic so called medicines - I think it's important to at least give cannabis a try, (along with some other strategies) so I am looking and will be grateful for any advice.

How do I administer a consistent dose? (It seems from my reading that this is important and I need to be somewhat scientific about it.)

Are there any particular strains that are known to be superior for this type of condition? Are there any to avoid?


I intend to discuss this topic with his GP tomorrow.


My son is beautiful, unique and totally inspiring - I will do anything to give him the best life possible - so from the bottom of my heart I am thankful for this opportunity to ask for help and will gratefully receive all suggestions, advice, knowledge and experience.


For over 30 years I have had a love affair with the wonderful weed; the heavenly herb; the saviour of my sanity. In the hope for an Elixir of Epilepsy - I send (Gunja) Greetings. Rozzamattozz

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hi im robin, i live in sydney nsw and i have used cannabis for years now as a way to control the painful effects of a stroke (cause, AVM). i am paralyzed by the stroke and I became a chronic epileptic needing large doses of anti-epileptic medication. yuk, it was a nightmare, the medication deadened me, it stole the luster, life was a series of grey days...

so after several years of this grey day i stopped taking the meds, i have never had another seizure, doctors frequently warn me to get back on the medication but its been nearly 15 years now and things are fine, i haven't had a single seizure

I was having episodes all the time on the medication, weeks in hospital recovering from deep seizures, loosing my memory, forgetting how to talk and do simple things then I stopped taking everything and started cannabis.

even though my brain scan is still very irregular (highly electrical) it never spills over into a seizure... the control of the paralysis pain (spasticity) is good as well, when i cannot get cannabis i need to get codeine forte which doctors freely proscribe for me but which causes all sorts of ugly side effects i would rather not deal with...


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