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first time outdoor grower here

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Hi there loulouthelunatic and welcome to ozstoners, growing out doors is very easy, if u are going to grow in pots all u will need is some big pots and some good potting mix or if u are going to in the ground dig a nice big hole and and fill it with some potting mix and maby mix a little blood and bone with it, u can hand water them or u could set up a simple water systen up for it, so just have a good read through FAQ and the rest of the forum and i am sure u will find all the info u need and if u need to know anything just ask and we will be glab to help out with what u need to know. Edited by ozmade
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It depends on how many you want to grow, and most imporatantly, what ground you have available to do it in.


I used to have thousands of achres all around me, from my front door for miles in all directions. Couldn't have been eaiser to grow a couple plants.


But then I started to grow alot of plants, and it was a day long job, every day, all season.


Also, if you have to travel to your spot, because you live away from the scrub, it can be a living nightmare, to find aplace to park the car, get a rucksack of water out of the car without suspicion, walking into the bush without being seen, havng no control over who can access the spot...


It can be great, and it can be a real drag. It depends on the situation you have to use.


Having said that, it's great fun, rewarding, and i think everyone should do it at least once.




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