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Drug Driving

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yea , its so wrong but i do it daily , i find myself more cautious, if anything , but i tend to choose the milder sort of weed , if it happens to be real good gear , i'd pull over , recover and eat something , ive had a couple of spills in the past 20 years , but none i'd put down to pot , more likely to be some speed freek , tearing the tarmac up .
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Just another way to erode our civil rights .


Every year there is more rules, more regulations = slave with no freedom.


Everything in this society is about who is going to pay (or how to pass the buck) when something go's wrong.


How can we ever have peace in the world with the above attitude, all it does is turn us into police/goverment society slaves.


Be warned, the socialist police state is coming if we like it or not.


JF, peace

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Guest Wilderbud

Im sometimes perma-stoned and I ride most of the time without any problem. I have jumped on the bike and felt too stoned to control it so I usually do what mozz does and have some food to waste some time and to take the stone away. :rolleyes:


I did have an accident not long ago after smoking wicked buds but it wasnt because I was stoned that this happened [everyone said it was but the front tyre had oil on it from the shitty fuel station].

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guys, i have done about 80% of all my driving hours stoned. its the best thing, i drive perfectly normal too, the only problem being i miss turnoffs and get abit lost sometimes ;) and amphetamines, noone has mentioned anythign about driving on speed but i have and do you know how much easier it becomes, the speed makes you so much more awake and acute to your surroundings and what your doing. driving on speed is safe unless your completely amped to the point where youll be swinging the wheel from side to side while screaming like a cowboy ;)


so a test that tests for weed and speed is one of the stupidest tests around, they should be making tests for drugs that impair your senses first.


Edited by holysmokesbatman
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I have ... a CUNNING PLAN .... ;)


find out where the test spots are .....

pull up about a kilometer before them ...

put up a sign ... saying ...


"are you stoned ?..."

Leo is looking for you ....

just up ahead ...


make sure it's in pretty colours ;)

practice say these words ...before they pull you over


" hello officer , I'm a law abiding citizen...

... have I been smoking any pot today ...?

no ... hehe not at ... all ..

I get into the hash cookies .. here , wanna try some ?..." ;)

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Guest BridesNightie

Thats pretty funny freechoice ;) The other day driving into town I noticed there were hand written signs on some of the stop light posts saying SCANNER with an arrow pointing upward. I figure someone's gone activist about a speeding ticket or something. ;)


cheers, BN

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Ahh, look, these pigs are fucken' broke anyway. (In Victoria) CHristine Nixon (chief commisioner) is more interested spending money paying cops to march in gay parades than any thing. (True)

Apparently they have fucked their budget or something. All the coppers are cutting down on spending even to the point of limiting stationery and shit. Fucked up hey?? I work in traffic management and work with the coppers sometimes, most of them are stuck up cunts who wouldn't know their own arse from a hole in the ground but then again some of them are pretty cool, probably smoke too, ya never know. Point is I believe this bullshit testing will never gain ground, yes it is a saliva test (how are you going to spit or whatever with the drys huh??!) They need money to develop it which is what they haven't got. Then again maybe the government is chipping in. If it does happen do you think that there will a shitload of people off the road as a result?? LEss revenue from rego etc?? I see shit drivers everyday in my job, and by the looks of them none of them would smoke ay?? Put it this way, I jump out of the way when I see an Asian (no racism intended, but half of them build the cars but can't drive the fucken things to save themselves) woman 4wd Volvo driver who can barely see over the wheel. I trust the tradeys utes and generally cars that look like the owners know what they are doing. Point is, people who drive slow, don't speed etc etc are usually worse drivers. They just don't ever get the chance to get caught. I hope it doesn't sound like I am talking shit but honestly the whole thing is fucked. I would rather have a car coming towards me with a stoned dude taking it easy who looks like he can drive (yes you can tell just by the way they drive-honestly, there are a few factors that can establish this) than some half witted fucken Asian cunt in a souped up bullshit car who wouldn't know his left from his right, eccying of his head. smacked out what ever zig zagging cause his brain is fried. I dunno!!! Has anyone heard of mates crashing cars because they are too stoned??? Too pissed, yes but come on reality check when you are too stoned you don't feel like driving anyway. I passed out once whilst driving, I think I did I couldn't remember but I didn't crash, managed to drive 5 or six kays and found myself in the driveway of a friend before I could recall anything, this was no ordinary pot, it had some bad shit in it, I mean you don't start tripping off pot do you?? I agree with a field sobriety test, not some bullshit that is going to bust you for having a smoke the night before (for those who choose not to drive stoned) I drive stoned every day and let me tell you when I am stoned, I am safer than if I havent had a smoke. If I havent had a smoke I speed, abuse people driving like fuckwits, blue at traffic lights etc and generally run a-fucken'-mok on MElbourne roads. I smoke, I be calm. (I am a diagnosed ADD's sufferer, smoke seems to calm me down, I am very highly strung, yes I had this shit BEFORE I smoked but why aren't the coppers busting the junkies?? Every day I see needles, have junkies trying to bludge smokes, junkies shitting in laneways etc etc. When you go to the beach, watch your step for the needles. Tell me, what pot smoker will bash YOUR grandmother of her pension cheque, break into YOUR house to steal your shit to hock at cashies for their next hit of shit and leave their bongs and pipes lying around in your front yard?? NONE OF US! Nuff said for now, going for a cone!! Fuck I love pot! I grow too!

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Topic indeed.


Would never drive stoned or under the influence of any drug,not wise.This is an invasion of privacy,but what is new.I have observed some funny shit while driving and in most cases would put this down to someone being clobbered.


Just think of the circumstances if something did happen while driving UTI.



Also the sad thing about becoming government slaves is when you know this and suddenly you become one and don't realise lol


mellow down easy

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