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DNA typing and genetic relatedness analyses

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Alghanim HJ. Almirall JR.



Department of Chemistry, International Research Forensic Institute, Florida International University, University Park, Miami, FL 33314, USA.



Development of microsatellite markers in Cannabis sativa for DNA typing and genetic relatedness analyses.



Analytical & Bioanalytical Chemistry. 376(8):1225-33, 2003 Aug.



Microsatellite markers were developed for Cannabis sativa L. (marijuana) to be used for DNA typing (genotype identification) and to measure the genetic relationships between the different plants. Twelve different oligonucleotide probes were used to screen an enriched microsatellite library of Cannabis sativa in which 49% of the clones contained microsatellite sequences. Characterization of microsatellite loci in Cannabis revealed that GA/CT was the most abundant class of the isolated microsatellites representing 50% overall followed by GTT/CAA, AAG/TTC, and GAT/CTA representing 16%, 15%, and 10%, respectively. Eleven polymorphic STR markers were developed, three derived from dinucleotide motifs and eight from trinucleotide motifs. A total of 52 alleles were detected averaging 4.7 alleles/locus. The expected heterozygosity of the eleven loci ranged between 0.368 and 0.710 and the common probability of identical genotypes was 1.8 x 10(-7). The loci identified 27 unique profiles of the 41 Cannabis samples. The 11 microsatellite markers developed in this study were found to be useful for DNA typing and for assessing genetic relatedness in Cannabis.



OK this might not mean much to many ppl but what it means is that there is a system being developed to ID different mj strains genetically in a similar way a forensic lab analyses human DNA to determine which individual it belongs to ie the microsatellite region of our genome so for the person enquiring about the genetic relationship of mj in a previous post (sorry I can't remember who it was) here is some info I found indicating a beginning in the process.

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