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how common is this?

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I planted one seed of white widow the other day as a test run, 2 days ago I got 1 seedling pop up as I expected, then today I've noticed that another shoot is popping up aswell. I was wondering if the plant is defected or if it is a twin and both shoots will grow normally. Is this a common occurance or is it rare for this to happen. The soil I used was also quite high in nutrients. It was a mixture of potting mix and some other soil from around the property.

Also is it normal for the seedling of this strain to appear smaller in size than seedlings of other strains. Could it be the effect of the extra shoot causing the growth stunt. It appears healthy but it looks like the stem is too short.

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Hey Mush887, i have grown from seed heaps and have grown ww from seed but i have never seen or heard of two "shoots" from one seed before.
It was a mixture of potting mix and some other soil from around the property". I'd say one of your "shoots" is something from the soil you got from around the property. Seeds lie dormant for ages and can pop up anytime given the right conditions. I rekon if you give it a few days(and are sure that the one that has popped up is mj) you will see that it is something else. If you have a pic. send it.
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i'm pretty sure it is from the same seed. It's growing about 2 cm away from the original seedling. Even though it's only just poked up today, i'm pretty sure it is a twin shoot. It definitly has the same characteristics as the original one as in the same shape leaves. Anyway I will see tommorow or the day after to confirm it once it grows a bit more.
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i've now transplanted both shoots, they both seperated pretty easily but they were both joined ,they had 2 different root systems. So i will keep youse posted on how they are going in the next few days. It should be interesting to see what sex they both are. Hopefully they both survive. 2 plants from one seed will be pretty good. But now I think because of this I may have a smaller yield or experiance problems later down the track.
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