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i was sort of diagnosed with ADHD by a psychiatrist after a suicide attempt a few years ago.I spent 10 days in a mental ward of the hospital.after reading heaps of articles on ADHD the shrinks conclusion seemed to gell with me.I suffered impuslive behaviour,actions,speech etc was disruptive at school etc.Teachers and parents tried to belt it out of me to no avail. As a teenager my behaviour was the same,fighting drinking drug taking,real risk taking behaviours which continued into my adult life.I really should have died young or ended up in jail after certain instances.In hindsight cannabis actually had the opposite effects on my behaviour by relaxing me,making me laugh and unwind a bit.In other words it took the edge off my impulsiveness.Have read several articles on ADHD and cannabis that gell with me.
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when i was a kid i was diagnosed with add and was put on dexies to sort thnigs out stop taking them then a few years later i started smoking then started growing and have been a extremly calm person to whom i was moral of story weed has lots of uses also keeps me out of pain when my bowels are giving me grief every morning :bongon:
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i was sort of diagnosed with ADHD by a psychiatrist after a suicide attempt a few years ago.I spent 10 days in a mental ward of the hospital.after reading heaps of articles on ADHD the shrinks conclusion seemed to gell with me.I suffered impuslive behaviour,actions,speech etc was disruptive at school etc.Teachers and parents tried to belt it out of me to no avail. As a teenager my behaviour was the same,fighting drinking drug taking,real risk taking behaviours which continued into my adult life.I really should have died young or ended up in jail after certain instances.In hindsight cannabis actually had the opposite effects on my behaviour by relaxing me,making me laugh and unwind a bit.In other words it took the edge off my impulsiveness.Have read several articles on ADHD and cannabis that gell with me.



when i was a kid i was diagnosed with add and was put on dexies to sort thnigs out stop taking them then a few years later i started smoking then started growing and have been a extremly calm person to whom i was moral of story weed has lots of uses also keeps me out of pain when my bowels are giving me grief every morning :bongon:



Glad to hear that cannabis helps with your conditions'



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Glad to hear that cannabis helps with your conditions'



Yeah mate it was amazing.Also have chronic medical conditions. A hiatus hernia which caused gastric reflux,a thing called dumping syndrome and Barretts esophogus,which is damaged cells to the esophagus.The conditions or the pills the doctor prescribed caused me to feel really crook,nausea,shortness of breath,lack of appetite and just feeling sick all day everyday.I found that smokin a small joint each day turned the whole lot around it was amazing.The research i have done on my medical problems suggest that immflamation is the cause and i have since read that cannabis has potent anti immflamatory action.Natural versus pills i will take natural anytime. My ADHD problem now when i look back cannabis use helped me heaps.GOOD LUCK

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Hi gregorywat56.



If you can go to the following web page: http://www.primalbody-primalmind.com/ - the video you should watch is the second on the list in the video section on that page. It is called called Diet and Mental Health. The video discusses ADHD among other mental illness and points a very fat finger at diet, particularly our western diet full of starches, sugars and franken-fats; which lacks the fatty meats our ancestors grew strong and healthy on. The low calorie, high carbohydrate diet in particular, is deadly to mind and body.


I hope the information will help. Please don't be put off by the scientific approach, because the information will help you more than any of those damned synthetic drugs your doctor will put you on. And the psychiatrists in this medical system are mostly fools trained by a system that does not have your best interests at heart. Be warned, current medical science is out to keep us sick. That is how they make thier money after all.



I have HCV with Liver cirrhosis and my specialist gave me another 6 years to dance on this planet, but I don't believe her. For one thing, the statistics they use to predict that prognosis are based on an unhealthy population. You will see what I mean by an 'unhealthy population' when you watch the video. I was so impressed I have ordered her book Primal Body, Primal Mind. You may also be interested to know that marijuana helped me cope too, but the money ran out and I can't afford it no more - and nor can I grow it mores the pity.



Still, when I stopped eating grains my 'need' for pot just fell away. Of course that does not mean I would refuse a toke if offered. Bloody hell, I love the stuff.


Good luck mate.

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I was diagnosed with the same thing.


My condition is a little milder but have found cannabis to work in much

the same way, calming the impulsiveness and allowing me to center my

thoughts better (as people diagnosed with ADD and ADHD would know

that this is often difficult.


In short:


Prescription drugs - had adverse side effects including inability to

initiate and maintain sleep, rapid weight loss (not the good kind),

nervousness and the want to be left alone.


Cannabis - Quick acting, no nausia (apart from the rare green-out),

natural and safe.



Obviously the biggest con in my case is the scarcity of consistant

supply due to moving to a new area.




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You people are so lucky to have access to cannabis, but I wont cry 'cause it wont do no good. Mother Mary will come to me in her own good time.


ADHD is most definitely associated with the effect of Gluten in the brain (remember that gluten toxicity affects not only the gastro-intestinal system and is never diagnosed until it is has completely destroyed the microvilli in the gut). Most of us are sensitive to gluten in one way or another! Gluten comes to us in the form of grains and there is no medium amount that is not toxic. To say one is only slightly affected by gluten is like saying one is only a little bit pregnant. Gluten is found in most over the shelf foods in one form or another, and even trace amounts are toxic. Our government recommended low fat, high carbohydrate diet is total poison to a biology that developed and thrived for more than 200,000 years before we started agriculture 10,000 years ago. Since then mankind has become sicker, weaker and outstandingly more violent. Just look around you!


Yes, our dearly beloved Mary will help mask some of the toxic effect, but the only answer to ADHD and similar conditions is to ignore mainstream medical and dietry advice and to go back on a paleolithic diet of high saturated grass fed fat, medium amounts of grass fed meat, no starches or sugars, and only leafy, low starch veges as tolerated. Lacto-fermented foods like yogurt made from unpasturised whole milk and also raw cultuered vegetables are also recommended. AND NONE OF THEIR FRANKEN-DRUGS either.


Really, do you trust those psychopathic bastards that made cannabis illegal? No, and nor should you trust the institutions they set up to enslave us.


I cannot reccomend Nora Gedgaudas' book Primal Body, Primal Mind enough and I encourage ADHD affected people and also those that love them, to also check out that link to her Primal Body Primal Mind video which I put in my last post.


To add fuel to the fire, casein in milk and cheese is very similar to gluten in its effect. If you want to reduce the effects of ADHD, do not eat fast food, bread, grains of any kind, processed foods, or franken-fats. Avoid pasturised milk and cheese like the plague that it is and EDUCATE YOURSELF. Still the choice is yours, eat healthy and live a conscious life, or die in misery. Mary will help, there is no doubt, but I am sure you would rather be healthy and enjoy Mary for many years to come.


Happy toking

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You fucking idiots, man used to be lucky to live to 60 100 years ago now most of us keep on going. This is thanks to medical science. Jesus the government isn't entirely fucking evil you whackjobs.


That said ritalin is often over perscribed and the thing about psychatrists is they often perscribe willy nilly because you can't often show physical proof of psychological conditions. I know, it has happened to me. Ritalin works though, i absolutely wouldn't recomend taking it though out of personal experience. It just didn't help that much. I'd feel a little bit more focused for maybe an hour or two but then it would ware off and it didn't change the fact that i just didn't want to learn what they were teaching lol.

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Hi gregorywat56.



If you can go to the following web page: http://www.primalbody-primalmind.com/ - the video you should watch is the second on the list in the video section on that page. It is called called Diet and Mental Health. The video discusses ADHD among other mental illness and points a very fat finger at diet, particularly our western diet full of starches, sugars and franken-fats; which lacks the fatty meats our ancestors grew strong and healthy on. The low calorie, high carbohydrate diet in particular, is deadly to mind and body.


I hope the information will help. Please don't be put off by the scientific approach, because the information will help you more than any of those damned synthetic drugs your doctor will put you on. And the psychiatrists in this medical system are mostly fools trained by a system that does not have your best interests at heart. Be warned, current medical science is out to keep us sick. That is how they make thier money after all.



I have HCV with Liver cirrhosis and my specialist gave me another 6 years to dance on this planet, but I don't believe her. For one thing, the statistics they use to predict that prognosis are based on an unhealthy population. You will see what I mean by an 'unhealthy population' when you watch the video. I was so impressed I have ordered her book Primal Body, Primal Mind. You may also be interested to know that marijuana helped me cope too, but the money ran out and I can't afford it no more - and nor can I grow it mores the pity.



Still, when I stopped eating grains my 'need' for pot just fell away. Of course that does not mean I would refuse a toke if offered. Bloody hell, I love the stuff.


Good luck mate.

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