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More Information on Superbud

Guest BudWaver

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Guest BudWaver



This is supposedly one of the magic ingrediants which is used in SB and if you read the article its amazing juts how widespread this chemical is in normal industries for use in the fruit we eat etc....


Dutch Master seem to be wanting to take legal action against people defaming their product.....


By the looks of it SB should be about 20$ not 180$


Note also the main chemical is used in primarily in stonefruit crops....IM assuming because any harmful byproducts get stored in the seeds..not in the fruit...

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Budwaver, DM has shown it's cards finally? They're using Paclobutrazol after all? How much potential damage is this causing to smokers? The thing is designed for use, (and I wouldn't say in the slightest that it's widespread, you'd have to prove that first...) in stone fruits and other similar tree crops. What makes DM think its safe in a sinse crop? IF, and this is a big IF, it's stored in the stone of the fruits in normal application, then where is it in a herbaceous annual?






Is there such appropriate legistlation allowing it's use for MJ or other hydroponic crops? And where do you personally stand on this issue, do you think the potential for damage to smokers is high?


This is turning into a big MJ industry story, I'll be interested to see what happens next.

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I'll be interested in seeing where this goes, I use mostly dutchmaster stuff. I have got a bottle of superbud, but I haven't used it yet. I think I'll hang on to it a bit longer before I try it ::): It was given to me, so I'll still try it out eventually. The price is grossly over-inflated, but like a lot of other things around I suppose.

I mean, what about somebody who's using it, maybe for commercial crops or something, and they don't flush properly, something like that........could it be dangerous? :)

This is the problem with prohibition and the weed, it's a huge industry, but with no regulation. And it's not going to go away, marijuana that is. At least I hope not :;): ;)

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As for info on Paclobutral. Ihave found more on this, at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.




What a prick of a job just to find it's CAS Number. Its a number giving to every chemical made. They didn't want people finding this in a hurry. The thing that concerns me is the Carcinogenicity Assessment for Lifetime Exposure.


This chemical has not undergone a complete evaluation and determination under US EPA's IRIS program for evidence of human carcinogenic potential.


Makes you wonder????????????????????????? :angry:

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Thanks very much for that... Yeah, that's a very interesting read...


It's so obvious to see that there are serious commercial interests in keeping information about the harmful effects of pesticides and other such substances sprayed on our plants... There are billions and billions of dollars invested in keeping us stupid and uninformed on the realities of the effects... Take a look at the cotton industry, and you'll see what I mean.


This is why, IMO, so many hydro indoor (and outdoor too) growers (MJ and other crops too) are careful, even more so IMHO, than outdoor soil growers when it comes to pest contol and ensuring food safety... In a growroom, you become mother nature, and that gives you a lot of power to remove and ensure the absence of pesticides and other substances which could be harmful to your health... Let's face it, the things are designed to kill lifeforms, they must be having some effect on you if they stay on the plant and get smoked or eaten... So I, and a few others I know, tend to go with the "if in doubt, don't use it" rule.


SB may well have some applications, I've seen more than enough pics and grows to show me that it does indeed do what it says it does. Whether it's safe for human consumption and has no deleterious effects above and beyond those of cannabis itself is something that seems to be hard to find.... DM have repeatedly refused to show what's in their product, and when it was finally revealed, they have the gall to threaten a lawsuit?


I'd love to know how they'll prove it's safe... Absence of evidence is no evidence of absence. The bloody stuff hasn't even been studied in any published manner for human carcinogenic effect!



Look, I'm sounding really pissed off here, and I'm probably putting my foot in my mouth, so I'll shut up now. Please don't anyone take personal offence to anything I've said, I'm just concerned about all our welfares, growers and smokers alike. :)

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