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clone to flowering

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hey guys so I'm doing my first grow and was originally going to do it all old school, veg for however long after my clones rooted, then flower, etc. I'm thinking now switching them (today, 2 weeks into veg) to flower for 5-6 weeks then harvest. ill be doing more clones in the future and heres the plan:


for quicker harvests of more smaller plants,


15-20 clones under 100w or similar clf for one week 24/0 after rooting to stabilize

then switching those under 2 x 400 hps 12/12 (separate grow areas) for 6 weeks then harvest

get clones every 3 weeks to rotate into cfl. my hope is to harvest at least monthly if not every 3 weeks or so


I have white widow and strawberry cough clones from a friend. how does this sound?

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5-6 weeks is a very shorting flowering period. 8-9 weeks on most strains.


veging for 1 week after clones have rooted, can only expect to yeild 7g per plant at max i rekon, depending what strains and style of grow etc..


best to veg longer, less number of plants, and flower till the plants have finished... just my opinion


and growing that number of plants, 15-20 plants per harvest every 3 weeks... geebus, if you get busted your screwed...


again, best to grow less number, veg longer...



Edited by allhailthebud
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hey newb,im with the other comment on here mate, would be best to flower for the full cycle if u really enjoy and good smoke,i have cut early and only regretted it,alot of people get to hyped up on the speed of rotation and lose focus on the quality of the smoke,it depends what ure after really mate,if u want small plants in quick time then its a ok method,but if like me,u want some monster fat buds,then veg for 4weeks minimum and flower for 8-9weeks, im new to all this forum stuff,hope the advice helps a bit,happy growing =)
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