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busted by gas man?

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ive been thinking of growing a few plants outdoors come summer time, coz i got no air conditioning and it will be too hot indoors with the hps light. i am renting a unit and the landlords have not needed to go into the yard since they bought the place 6 mths ago so i dont see a problem with them. Its a side yard though with access through a gate, but the gas meter is located in it, so im wondering what my chances are of being busted by the gas man? does anyone know of anybody being dobbed in by service people? its only a small yard so i couldnt put the plants in a tin shed or anything so i could use a shade cloth?
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Hi Kermit I don't know of any specific examples but service ppl are like any other ppl some may call the cops others may rob you but most of the time they will want to get the reading and leave as quick as possible so if you know when they come maybe put the plants on the roof? or indoors for a few days under lights (set up in an open area and temp may not be as bad) before and until the gas man has come, and hopefully you won't lose your stash I am in a simlar situation with a tradesman almost walking into the yard I keep my plant and also seeing my billy/mull on the table outside, luckily I was able tocut him off in the driveway bit noe I tend to hide them among other plants as a precaution and put them under CF's if there is any1 coming over.. goodluck mate
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Guest weekprik
Build a fence around your pot garden or get a small shed and put a clear roof on it.


What an awesome idea, What would you reccomend for the clear roofing material, I assume we would need something that DOESNT filter the uv and other spectrums out of the light,


Also what about smell eminating from the shed?? would this be a concern 3 weeks into flowering?

Also ventilation of the shed?? what can I do here??


this is something Iam seriously considering as I have a spare 3x3 metal shed,

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yeah me too, I think its an excellent idea. When I get my own place, I'm gonna set up something attached to the house, so neighbours don't always see me going out to this shed. In terms of ventilation I reckon if you just left a decent gap between the roof and walls would be good enough. not much you can do about smell, its an outdoor grow afterall
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Service men are generally cool guys.


I once had all these guys come and help me dig up all my plants at 6 in the morning so they could put a new septic in. They where all laughing about it and shit.


The best advice is to be a gardener, have a big vegie garden and get your flowers nice and mow the lawn obsessively so the neighbours don't get too suss. Growing plants between tomatoe and corn is good, and if you plant the cover plant now, then your dope a month later you will have good coverage.


I dunno about the clear roof on a garden shed, most garden sheds are weak as piss until the roof has been put on, the roof being clipped on is what holds them all together, and without it all the walls would fall in, it would be a cunt of a job to make a roof that fit on properly and held the thing together. and it'd have to be put on in one piece. you'll need an actual shed with a frame to make that work I reckon.


There is a material called coreflute or solar sheet which appears absolutely white to the eye, but it lets in more light than glass, you can hardly see through the stuff, When I first saw it I just thought it was an old style fibro shed. Until closer.

Edited by white_cluster
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well i did already say i dont have room for a shed but thanks for the suggestions ;) as for growing stuff amongst it, theres not alot of room for that neither, there is basically a 3x10 metre flower bed which currently is full of white lillies and a small tree in the corner, and lots of weeds of the non potent variety :) yeah i guess i could keep them in pots and just move em inside when the gasman is due, coz it tells ya on the back of the bill when the next reading is due...
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I always had the same prob with energex, doing the power reading as my meter box is at the bach of the house. So I ran them up, told them I have a very nasty kelpie and the side gate is always locked so there is no chance the dog getting out. I asked them to ring me and let me know the day they will be reading the meters in my street, that way I could put the dog inside the house.


Because I grow in pots its easy to put the Kids in the house till the readermeterman has done his job. I have had no probs with this at all.

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Also what about smell eminating from the shed?? would this be a concern 3 weeks into flowering?

Also ventilation of the shed?? what can I do here??

Vent into a nice bed of aromatic herbs like mint and such, you could also grow jasmine or something up your fences to increase the mixture of smells and to give you more privacy from the neighbours.

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