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MJ for asthma

bush billy


:) Does anyone else find MJ helpful for asthma?, i've been smoking since i was about 12yrs old (not that i condone kids smoking i definiently don't!! rough upbring in my case!!) and i think it helps me but as i said i've been smoking since 12 so i've really have nothing to compare with, i do think that when i run out i have more asthma.
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Actually syk, I think you may find a couple of studies have shown that smokers of cannabis and cigarettes are better off in lung function tests than smokers of cigarettes alone. There are also a few long term studies made, (one was from jamaica I think...) that showed long term heavy use has little to no effect on lung function or cancer rates in the smokers. It appears that the thc and other cannabinoids, or perhaps mixtures of these, are effectively protecting the lungs of those who use it, and it causes a lot less damage than the equivalent tobacco usage. (nicotine isn't a drug, it's a poison, and it's not just this causing damage to your system when you smoke cigarettes, there are a shiteload of other things put in there which are known carcinogens and poisons.)


It's an interesting thing, I'm not saying that smoking cannabis is good for you, but it would appear that smoking weed doesn't cause anywhere near the harmful effect of cigarettes, regardless of the levels of tar in them. Vapourisers are a better option, as they don't contain any of these tars and other substances, but we shouldn't demonise cannabis smoke as being more harmful than it is, because the tobacco model isn't accurate for it. More research needs to be done with "real" cannabis, not the shit the U.S. govt and other gov's around the world are producing at the moment. By real I mean the stuff people smoke out there, and in their home gardens, not the ridiculous stuff they're calling pot that the majority of U.S. studies are done with.


Just on that briefly, I heard a report on deutche wella radio today, saying that the Dutch Government has started to produce their own cannabis. This is managed by a guy who was arrested in the U.S. for growing, who has subsequently moved to the dam and now is looking at exporting high quality controlled weed to the states for research! Kinda ironic.... I'll chase up the story for the boards later on... it was a great report. :)


But yes, weed good for asthma is, try out homegrown you should, and vapes , oh yes, yes, very good too, perhaps even better.... Only time is matter of, before available at market for asthma it is. :P

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Actually syk, I think you may find a couple of studies have shown that smokers of cannabis and cigarettes are better off in lung function tests than smokers of cigarettes alone. There are also a few long term studies made, (one was from jamaica I think...) that showed long term heavy use has little to no effect on lung function or cancer rates in the smokers. It appears that the thc and other cannabinoids, or perhaps mixtures of these, are effectively protecting the lungs of those who use it, and it causes a lot less damage than the equivalent tobacco usage. (nicotine isn't a drug, it's a poison, and it's not just this causing damage to your system when you smoke cigarettes, there are a shiteload of other things put in there which are known carcinogens and poisons.)


It's an interesting thing, I'm not saying that smoking cannabis is good for you, but it would appear that smoking weed doesn't cause anywhere near the harmful effect of cigarettes, regardless of the levels of tar in them. Vapourisers are a better option, as they don't contain any of these tars and other substances, but we shouldn't demonise cannabis smoke as being more harmful than it is, because the tobacco model isn't accurate for it. More research needs to be done with "real" cannabis, not the shit the U.S. govt and other gov's around the world are producing at the moment. By real I mean the stuff people smoke out there, and in their home gardens, not the ridiculous stuff they're calling pot that the majority of U.S. studies are done with.

As of 2000 the best research showed that the smoke produced from cannabis contained 5x more tar, carbon monoxide and other cancer causing agents than cigarettes, smoke whether it be a bush fire, a joint or a cigarette contains carcinogens and CO, the tar and carcinogens cause the flem build up due to he death of cilia in our throat as for lung function the oxygen carrying capacity is lessened due to the CO's high affinity for heamoglobin and the result is carboxyheamoglobin, in a CO poisoning case 1st aid is transfuse fresh red blood cells and also administer oxygen.

I'll dig out the study that references the 5x figure but I am a bit busy at the moment, a physiol text will talk about the effects of CO formed from incomplete combustion and the cillia and their death due to smoking.


Flem in the throat will aggravate the attacks due to a narrowing of the airways, by keeping these areas free of flem and having healthy cillia this can help reduce the severity of attacks imo. BUt the stimulus will still be there ie. what ever the allergic reaction is that is producing the bronchoconstriction in the 1st place,asthma has very little to do with the lungs, it is an allergic reaction due to outside stimulus like cold air

Edited by syk613
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