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MJ for asthma

bush billy


:) Does anyone else find MJ helpful for asthma?, i've been smoking since i was about 12yrs old (not that i condone kids smoking i definiently don't!! rough upbring in my case!!) and i think it helps me but as i said i've been smoking since 12 so i've really have nothing to compare with, i do think that when i run out i have more asthma.
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This is a bit old in the tooth but anyhow. I have asthma and smoke copious amounts of dope and no I dont' think smoking it helps at all. I use ventolin every morning and night and that keeps it at bay. i don't think the dope has had an effect except for the smoking side of things :) i.e. if you were to eat it (or vaporise it?) , it may be beneficial if the asthma is set off by an emotional incident.


cheers Bubble

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Guest billy bonger
I disagree with Bush billy ,i get severe asthma,i do agree it makes it better but my theory is that MJ improves asthma only because you cough your guts up thus loosening the flem that is on your chest and your lungs, making breathing clearer.
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Cannabis is a known and proven expectorant and bronchial dialator. By itself, and in a pure form, it's one of the best medications known to man for opening the airways and removing phlegm from the lungs. You might cough, but it's a clearing cough, one which opens rather than closes your lungs in athsma.


There are soon to be inhalers on the market in europe I think, perhaps someone here might know more about it.


It's true that it's different for everyone, but it's been used for it for a couple thousand years now, I think it should really be taken as a given that it's a medicine with great potential, if not downright one of the better ones out there. The steroidal medications currently given to athsmatics are not anywhere near as safe as good ol mj, even in it's smoked form IMO. A vapouriser can eliminate any of the concerns over tar consumption, as others here have also mentioned.


Hope this helps, I'm off to the deli for some munchies. :)

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Guest billy bonger

Cannabis is a known and proven expectorant and bronchial dialator. By itself, and in a pure form, it's one of the best medications known to man for opening the airways and removing phlegm from the lungs. You might cough, but it's a clearing cough, one which opens rather than closes your lungs in athsma


:) I think that's what i mean, i just know that i have found it helps a great deal with my asthma.


unless it hasn't been flushed correctly, then I need the Ventolin on hand.


That's right, a lungful of unflushed bud can close your airways really quick, trying to get the asthma spray down is hard too, sometimes i get hot sweats from this, i'm thinking very seriously about getting a vape for myself next year , it definately is not pleasent :P

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smoking kills the cillia in the back of the throat causing flem to accumulate esp overnight so the coughing brings up flem that the body would otherwise deal with by itself, therefore get a good vape or eat it do not smoke if you have asthma THC is, as has been stated, a good bronchodilator but the effects of the THC molecule are far outweighed by the longterm effects of smoking (anything) imo
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