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Children caught with pot

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How old is a kid?

Let's face it, we've all been there. What I remember about is that kid's will always make there own choices, no matter what family or parents they have had or what experience they have had at home. When at school vices like cigarettes, grog and mull are all new ground. Just because our children are growing faster is it the parents fault?




P.s. Unlike cigs and beer, mull isn't a harmful drug!

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Guest Babybear
FUCK MAN id never do that to my child , I so couldnt do it , MY mother did it to me once or twice an threated to dob mates in that she new smoked weed, I never gave her addys or tell her i know ool that smoke , Its her morals , But as a moral i feel u couldnt dob in a fam member unless it was abuse or some sort.. man wp id hate to be your kid then :)
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The only way parents can now influence their children is to gain their trust and respect, you don't get that by handing them over to the cops, only resentment. I have the respect and trust of my kids, it's not that hard to get really, and they have never been in trouble with the police, they don't do drugs and almost certainly won't before they are 20 or so and then probably only pot if anything.
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Nah, couldn't do that. Looking back, my parents never did it, even though there were a couple of times there they must've come close..........but we always did things in the family, never involved outsiders like that (cops, welfare, any government dep basically :) ). We just dealt with it, I would have had no respect for them I think if they'd done that, they'd have to have a bloody good reason for it anyway ;)

Would you ever trust somebody ever again that just dogged on you man?

:) I sure as hell wouldn't..........

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Guest weekprik

I probably wouldnt really, but I was dobbed on by my parents over something, and all it done to me was frighten the shit outta me so i didnt do it again,


I didnt lose respect for my olds over it.


Taz- thats what they want you to think :), sounds like they got you by the nuts ;)

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taz stoner are you sure that they definately wont do any drugs until they are at least 20...? i mean when i was younger i was sure i would never do a single drug in my whole life! i was totally against drugs.

just because they are your children doesnt mean you know what they are going to do... because chances are they dont have the slightest idea what they are going to do lol

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I've got 5 kids, one of them is a tad young to be doing drugs, just 4 years old. :)


The eldest is 23. The others are in their teens at varrying stages.


At the right time, I've had the same, or very similar conversation with each of them, stressing it more so to the girls than the boys perhaps.


I've told them all that when the time comes that they experiment with mind altering drugs (not if), they should be amongst only people they trust with their lives. People they know that won't take advatage of them in any way, and that they are out of public and in a safe environment.


The most imoratant part is that I've told them that regardless of how smashed they are on what, that if they need or want to leave where they are, to call me. Any time of the day or night, and where-ever they , whatever they're doing, and I'll come.


I've done loads of youth work, and I know without a shadow of doubt that the most dangerous thing that presents itself to kids on drugs isnt so much the drugs, as the situation they use them in.


The two most dangerous people most are likely to come in contact with are #1. the police. and #2. serious criminals. Calling the police on my children and having them put in such danger is completely adverse to my way of caring for them. Exposing them to the violence of the police, and then trown into a jail cell with hard crims, is not where I want my kids tonight. For any reason.


In the end, one of the kids (17 year old) is into piss, and I hate that with a vengence. And the others have no interest in any drugs at all. I'm sure my daughter frommy first marriage smokes the odd joint, but I know she isn't "into" drugs.


Education is esential to their safety, not threats. No amount of threatening stopped me from doing a thing. For a start, it's accpeted by most criminologists that people, young people in particular are not influenced by the fear of punishment, because no one counts on being caught in the first place. Or else they wouldn't do it in that circumstance.


So in my mind, the next best thing is to make sure they know that they'ere safe, and can be taken into safety at any time. It also stops your daughters from the "stalk or walk" sitautions. No matter if they're drunk, stoned or what, if someone is threatening to leave them where they are, they have the comfort of knowing they have a way out.


I'm sure talking with themin this way, and being frank with them in all aspects of this kind of thing has encouraged them to be the kind of kids they are. far better than I ever was, with no trouble with police, good school records, good employment attitudes, and generally good young adults. And to most, it might be seen that I gave them a green light to do as they please.


Reverse phsycology? The fear of reality? I don't know what caused them to be such great kids, but except for the one drinking piss to spite me, (and that has a lot of side issues), they've not taken advantage of my acceptance of their liklihood to get mixed up with whatever they could come up with. It just hasn't happened.


Anyway, there's as many ways of raising kids as their are parents in the world.





PS. I know people might get wound up about me saying cops are likely to be the most dangerous people that ya likely to be mixed up with. But I myself have been knocked around by them. Had guns shoved in my face, had friends beaten up. And what kind of person wants to have a job where you wear a gun and carry a solid stick to force people to do as they're told...or else!? Not me.


I can't go into detail who my cousin is in the police department, there's just no way of even hinting what level he is without giving myslef away. (as it is, I'll delete even this in a day or two) During the fitzgerald enquiry, he was one that gave evidence and was instrumnetal in helping clean up the filthy CIB in QLD. His life was threatened heaps. Some cops literally vanished during that investigation, presumably to south america or similar. I worked in the police department as a public servant, during the Joe era. Even from my distance from actually being a cop, but for just working in headquarters, I was openly aware of corruption. It was hardly hidden at all. The cops are one of the last people in the world I would trust my kid's to, especially with the intention of teaching them some kind of morals.


Yep, there's likely to be the good cops that we all imagaine are out there. But the personality type that wants to control others in my opinion is a dangerous person. And yes, in one way; thank god we have them.



Edited by RobbieGanjaSeed
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Robbie, you just summed up my (as yet completely untested) theories on child raising. ;) Thought about writing the Robbie Ganga Seed guide to Good Stoner Parenting? ::):


Seriously tho, I must say I agree with you on every point, the police, the criminal elements, knowing what your kids will do and acting responsibly to control that behaviour and make it as safe as is humanly possible.


Being childish doesn't make teenagers respect you, it just makes them deride and laugh at you. Pretending that they don't take drugs, and then punishing them harshly when they inevitably get caught the one time out of a thousand, doesn't do anything except make for an angry, confused and vindictive youth. There are always exceptions, and no parent is perfect, but on the whole I don't believe that trying to sheild your children from something they are going to come into contact with sooner or later is the way to ensure a healthy generation.


This is all just my humble opinion, what with being the youngest of my family and not having kids, I suppose it doesn't count for much, but I figured I'd throw it in there anyway. One thing I do have experience with is being an angry, confused and vindictive youth, and that's where I stake my claim to this issue. My parents made an absolute hash of the job of explaining drugs to me, as did my education institutions. (Mind you, conservative parents aren't really likely to know the first thing about them, let alone how to advise kids about it either, still, some do so anyway. :) ) I, (like just about everyone at my age I imagine) would like to raise my children differently from my parents... I hope to understand my kids a little better than they did. Still, that's something every generation hopes I suppose, so maybe it's just my turn to wonder. ;)

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