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clone dwc questions


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hi all,


i am wondering if someone could possibly answer some questions that i have regarding transferring clones into a dwc setup. once again you might have to excuse my lack of knowledge


i have been busy setting up my cupboard for the last week or so, i cant wait to get it going. after reading some posts on here i am wanting to set up a dwc system with one or two buckets as ive got most of the stuff here already.



whats the go with transferring rooted clones into expanded clay?

do you just put them straight in or is there other stuff to do?

is it possible to start them off in a rockwool cube and then put the cube into a pot of expanded clay once roots are showing?


any answers would be much appreciated



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yes if you have germinated the seeds in rockwool you can put the rockwool cube in the clay balls in the netpot. Don't bury it too deep, you want the cube to be well clear of the water line.


with rooted clones, if they are rooted in rockwool you just do the same as if it was a seedling in rockwool. If you have a clone with roots you just gently place the clay balls around the roots.


In all cases you need to top water until the roots grow down into the solution. I keep my clones in an aero cloner until the roots are real long so I thread them through the netcup and they are in the solution from day 1, so there's no need to top water.

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BTW, I'm not sure if this is relevant to your question, but if the rooted plants are in soil, just wash the roots clean of the soil gently in a bucket of tepid water. Maybe a drop of Super Thrive, or similar might be nice. But they wash clean and transfer into DWC very well, and I've personally never seen one go backwards. But then I haven't seen hundreds done either.




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don't plant them deep at all, in rockwool cubes plant them about 2-3 cm under the clay balls. top up the water level to about 4 cm up your netpot or above your float valve. I use perlite mainly, don't even wash it off just break most of it away, end up with a bit of perlite at the bottom of my buckets at the end.


is it possible to start them off in a rockwool cube and then put the cube into a pot of expanded clay once roots are showing?



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Guest Wilderbud

Watch out for root rot if youre going to use rockwool cubes in expanded clay. lol


I prefer to start clones/seeds in 1:1 peat+perlite - this will wash away easilly whereas rockwool is a permanent medium. This is what I am doing with my setup - I wouldnt use rockwool unless its to support a plant in NFT. :P

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