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70watt HPS Light Sources

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Hey All,


Would anyone know of any places a 70watt HPS may be obtained around Oz? Ebay doesnt result in any matches :)


Basically I was thinking if anyone knew the actual brand of the light (bought from a hardware/lighting store) they could post it and where they bought it from.


Anyway.. any info would be cool.






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Hey AcidBoy have a look around at lighting stores, but when i was looking into those i fonud thay all most cost as much as a 2nd hand 400w hps, if u get 1 u mite use less in power but but u wont get as good plants as u would under say a 250 or a 400 hps, but i say if u can get ya self a 400w hps if ya can, u will do ten times better :) i got mine for $90 with a globe...
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Yeah, I considered a micro grow with these 70w lights myself, as they're used by some in the US and UK... We don't seem to have much in the way of supply of the lower wattages tho, and like you, I couldn't find squat in the 75w to 150 range.


Like Ozmade said, they tend to be rather pricey too, probably due to the low demand here, although I'm sure there are other reasons too. A 250 may be suitable, although it really depends on how micro you're planning... a 250 w hps needs a heck of a lot more venting in a small space than a 70 watter. But it also requires less than a 400w. Not too sure if the difference in lumen/watt efficiency is more comparable to the 400 than the 600, but I suppose someone here will enlighten me. (get it? "Enlighten" me? ::): .....ahhh forget it. :) )


Can you give us some idea of the use you're going to be putting it to, like what space, fans, etc you were thinking of, then maybe we can put ya on the right track. But for the moment, my advice would be to just get a 400w lamp, as they're relatively cheap, easy to use and learn on and make for a great harvest for the elec they end up using.


I'm not even sure if they make agricultural spectra bulbs for the lower wattages... anyone know that one? :)

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Thanks for the replies so far guys..


Basically I wanted a low wattage hps because my fictional grow space is quite small and I thought a higher wattage hps would be a bit of an overkill not to mention how hot it would probably get.

Currently there are fluros in there and 2 case fans which all work well together and I thought a 70watter would be a nice addition.


I know a 400 is probably the better way to go. And I had been planing to get one but then noticed some nice 70watt threads over at OG.


I didnt realise though that they would actually work out to be similar prices.


@ ozmade

$90 with a globe is a great deal. Where were you able to get that from?


@ WhiteWiDoW

Is that on the Aus Ebay though? Cause I cant find any hps' on there.


Well I think thats about it for now.






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Hey AcidBoy i got mine from a pawn shop i had to do a little ringing around but just about evey shop i rang had 1 but some were a little to dear, so just start ringing pawn shops and cash converts and places like that and i am sure u will find 1 and just to be on the safe side have it looked at by a sparky and if no good u can take back :)
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Yeah.. ive recently tried the pawn shops round my area, lucky someone else is keeping an eye out for me too :)


But anyway.. does anyone know of any security lights, or any other pre packaged products that contain/use a HPS that may be picked up at the local hardware store? (Bunnings, Mitre10 etc..)

Surely there must be something like this being sold in Aus?


Soz.. im just sick of everyone over at OG seemingly being able to pick them us easily.. :) ;)


Alrighty.... Cheers




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