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Super soil, Help with Ingredients.

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G'day everyone, AussieToker, Victoria Australia :peace:


Im back again looking for some help with a good soil mix. After my last post I checked out Subcool's Super Soil and I was keen to do it, but as I'm a new grower & not the most experienced in soil I'm gonna need everyone's help changing it around a little. Some of the ingredients Subcool calls for I'm not able to purchase, but I figured I'de be able to substitute some ingredients & I wouldn't have to get it spot on.

If anyone can give us a hand, It would be much appreciated.


Subcools Super Soil

  • 8 Bags Roots soil or equivalent high quality supped up grow soil
  • 25 pounds Pure Worm Castings
  • � cup Azomite trace minerals
  • 2/3 Cup Sweet Lime IE Dolomite
  • 1 Kilo Bone meal / IE 5 Pounds
  • 1 Kilo Blood meal ( I use a bit more bone than Blood in this recipe)
  • 1 Kilo Bat Guano bloom formula preferably Fruit bats
  • 3/4 cup Epson Salts
  • The Perlite and Coco I happen to have and it will make a better mix but it is not necessary.



Here's the problem:

Im not able to purchase these items:

  • Roots, Harvest Moon or Ocean Forest High Quality Potting Soil
  • Bat Guano
  • Blood Meal
  • Bone Meal


Substituting the Ingredients:

For the Blood Meal and Bone Meal- I was going to use Pure Blood & Bone (No added sulphate of potash) From Bunnings

High Quality Soil- Searles Organic Range (5in1 Plus)

& Bat Guano - Manure, which one is preferable? (Chicken,Cow, Horse, Sheep, Rabbit etc)


Also, all that sounds like a shit load of stuff to add into the soil. Subcool lets his mix 'cook in the sunshine for 30 days'.

Is that long enough to let all these ingredients decompose & stabilise or would a couple of months be better off?

& How much of the substituted ingredients will need to be added in order to perform at the same standard as Subcool's Soil?


Heres a list of ingredients that 'I am' able to purchase:

Just wondering if I can I do anything with them?


Worm Castings


Mushroom Compost

Bagged Manure (Chicken,Cow,Horse,Sheep)

Dolomite Lime

Epsom Salts

Peat Moss

Coco Coir

Coarse Sand

Azomite Trace Minerals

Blood & Bone(No added potash)

Natural Soil



Expanded Clay Pellets

Powdered Humic Acid


Also any other soil mixes besides Subcool's Super Soil & any Helpful information are more than welcome. Just post them up.

Once again If anyone Is able to help me out a bit, it would be much appreciated.


AussieToker, Victoria Australia :bongon:

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hey man, it sounds like you`ve done some research :thumbsup:

however, i cant say much for subcools methods :unsure: ....

what do ya want the mix for? ...raising seeds/seedlings? adding it to soil? substituting it for soil?


if ya want it for an outdoor mix and depending on your climate and soil conditions, all ya really need to do is add about 30ltr of pre decomposed dry cow or horse shit to each hole...which holds air and water and helps with drainage :xcited: ... followed with some water crystals(as directed) and roughly 10ltrs of pre dried chicken shit/straw mix, if ya can get some :freak: ...or a couple of double handfuls of dynamic lifter :) - if ya add blood and bone, just go by directions and make sure the holes cant be dug up from animals ...just pegs some chicken wire flat over the top or whack a pile of branches over each hole until its well rotted in....


or add a handfull to my handy super sauce :) - you can find the super sauce in the search engine (top right of the page under ya username) :)


still using the cow shit, chook shit and crystals..... dynamic lifter in my case lol


there`s heaps more info in the search section ;)




have fun with it :bongon:

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G'day Uncle Chron,


Cheers for the reply and help, as it's just what im after.

Indeed, I have been hitting the research hard. The Forums & Google will save your ass.

I wanted to use Subcools Super soil to add in with my natural garden soil. I'll be growing Organic, Outdoors & But Im in the Southern region of Victoria. :thumbdown:

The weather down here is shocking, It can get very wet and last for several days. When it's sunny, there is usually a lot of humidity associated with it, so it makes Botrytis & mould big problems for me.

I was going to transplant the seedlings into the ground with Subcool's mix once they were big enough & had 4 or so sets of leaves.

At the moment I have my seedlings in a mixture of Worm Castings, Bagged Topsoil, Coco, Dolomite Lime, Perlite.

Yeah I think I'll give Subcool's mix a pass this time around & Try your method.

Your plant's look absolutely amazing and healthy. :xcited: Those plants are obviously loving what ever your giving to them. :chef:

Amazing Stuff Chron, Keep up the work!


Thanks again for the Help,


AussieToker, Victoria Australia :bongon:

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G'day AuntyNorm,


You and 'UncleChron' are spot on. Im going to have to read all of your posts :D

I think I'm gonna have to listen to you's from now on, you's know just about all there is about Cannabis.

Yeah I think the Dolomite Lime is a must with soil especially having it balance out your P.H. Some great Stuff!

In one of my previous posts you also mentioned Gogo juice. So I'll be purchasing that and some other products from bunning's this week.

I also got about four, 10ltr bags of Wormtec Worm Castings. Anything I can do with those or just use them on my garden at home?

And I heard what happened to your 7ft plants last season. Absolute filth of a person to steal something that beautiful!

Hang in there & hopefully all of your next grows will be twice as big.

Oh & I'll have my seedlings ready by Melbourne Cup Day and Ill be sure to post up some nice pictures and keep you all reading. B)


Once Again, Cheers for all the help.


AussieToker, Victoria Australia :peace:

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