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Brisbane out door winter grow

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post-42646-0-83989200-1313671457_thumb.jpgpost-42646-0-19498800-1313671487_thumb.jpgpost-42646-0-67108600-1313671530_thumb.jpgpost-42646-0-46176300-1313671586_thumb.jpgpost-42646-0-96257700-1313671612_thumb.jpgpost-42646-0-96257700-1313671612_thumb.jpgpost-42646-0-34659900-1313671650_thumb.jpgpost-42646-0-14749500-1313671677_thumb.jpgpost-42646-0-26106100-1313671700_thumb.jpgpost-42646-0-35222300-1313672412_thumb.jpgpost-42646-0-26713800-1313672452_thumb.jpgpost-42646-0-52184300-1313672476_thumb.jpgpost-42646-0-29412900-1313671944_thumb.jpgpost-42646-0-22566100-1313671960_thumb.jpgGreeting fellow gardeners, and a special cheerio to me old mate Norm. here are some pics of my out door grow in Brisbane. from beginning then the end, seeds planted mid april and now starting to harvest. Not sure of what specific variety other than QLD sativa Edited by olddave
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post-42646-0-83989200-1313671457_thumb.jpgpost-42646-0-19498800-1313671487_thumb.jpgpost-42646-0-67108600-1313671530_thumb.jpgpost-42646-0-46176300-1313671586_thumb.jpgpost-42646-0-96257700-1313671612_thumb.jpgpost-42646-0-96257700-1313671612_thumb.jpgpost-42646-0-34659900-1313671650_thumb.jpgpost-42646-0-14749500-1313671677_thumb.jpgpost-42646-0-26106100-1313671700_thumb.jpgpost-42646-0-35222300-1313672412_thumb.jpgpost-42646-0-26713800-1313672452_thumb.jpgpost-42646-0-52184300-1313672476_thumb.jpgpost-42646-0-29412900-1313671944_thumb.jpgpost-42646-0-22566100-1313671960_thumb.jpgGreeting fellow gardeners, and a special cheerio to me old mate Norm. here are some pics of my out door grow in Brisbane. from beginning then the end, seeds planted mid april and now starting to harvest. Not sure of what specific variety other than QLD sativa



hi dave, im doing the outdoor sativa thing too, im going with the lst and fimming and topping method, feel free to check out my grow page.



im going to grow a thick ground cover style plant with plenty of tops.


happy growing!!


cheers from sirvapealot :applause: :thumbsup: :yahoo:




might save ya life!!



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Hey guys, just new to the forum and just starting my first outdoor grow (i'm also midway through a single plant indoor grow box).


I am in around about the same area as you guys and as I'm just starting out, hopefully you guys can give me some tips relating specifically to our area!? (eg. when should I expect my ladies to start budding? Do I need to be worried about our summer storms affecting the plants?)


I was really suprised to see you had success with a winter grow, because from what I could tell from all my research it didn't seem like that would be possible, but I'm guessing you just end up with a smaller yield due to not vegging so well.


Also, where did you get your QLD seeds from? Are there some places online to get them, or did you just know someone that had them? Have you tried any auto-flower varieties? If so, how'd it go? If not, why not?


Sorry for the mass of questions, but this seemed like the right thread out of all the ones i skimmed through regarding brisbane :)

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G'day Fyerbug and Kulak, this was grown in a small yeard in Brisbane, seeds provided by friends. I have been courious for quite awhile if there could be winter grows as my research has shown all throug out Europe and Canada there are winter varieties that work. just not high yield. all up i had 3/4 pound, which for me is plenty as i mostly use it for bartering goods and service. Regarding growing technique. My veiw is a very ignorant one. I simply view the plant as i would for Tomatoes, Egg Plant, Peppers etc. I'm sure there is a lot more i can do but this is how i decided to do it.
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Nice grow! Got any harvest pics or pics when in full flower?


I've grown in my backyard a couple of times in the past, with mediocre success.


Fyrebug, welcome to the site :) If you already have organic veg garden experience, you will do fine if you stick to the basics. Eg. full sun, rich organic soil, plenty of water during summer months etc The main things specific to erb are knowing to kill off males, what strain, watching for hermies, knowing when to harvest. If you are doing advanced indoor hydro on the other hand, then yes there is a fair bit to know.


The main issues with growing in backyard are:


- Keeping out of sight of neighbours, whilst still getting lots of sun (if you grow behind a shed like I have, the plants only got to about 2-3 feet and not very bushy.

- Use a sativa strain if possible because they grow alot faster in the veg period and should yield alot more than indicas if you do a winter grow (as Dave is doing)

- Watch out for hermies! This absolutely ruined one crop of purple power I had. The buds were fully mature, but absolutely filled with seeds. It sucked.

- Don't trust that your dog won't eat your plants.

- QLD storm season can be quite bad as you all know, so if you can protect them somehow that would be ideal (or plant after february).


I actually reckon there are heaps of people growing in the backyard suburban blocks out there. I've seen it quite a bit, I even remember one friend had this 8 ft monster sativa under some shadecloth in a small family backyard, it was like 8 months old and he harvested almost a pound I think. I've never had plants ripped (touch wood) from my yard either.

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G'day Troops.


One word of warning about pure sativa strains is this, they will grow to monster proportions. I grow the same strain as Dave, but in summer in Victoria, and regularly get them over 8ft, and bushy as fuck. Last year I had my two prize plants ripped, just before they were perfectly finished. So, look for something that is 50/50 sativa and indica. This will give you a shorter plant, but still very bushy. This strain will mature fully anywhere in Aus. no problems. I'm going to start a new thread here today, for my outdoor grow this year.


G'day Dave.


Good to see you got them through to the finish, and ended up with a result. I'll call you this week.


:guitar: :guitar: :guitar:

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Sativas are actually poorly suited to canada and northern europe outdoor climates , but not queensland :o :rofl:


Since the rogue police commisioner sir terrance philiip , disappeared and sir joky whatever they call those folk , And a couple of women got murdered by police etc, fucked out state up and left society to even out by, no other that's right everyday citizens.. certainly not queensland state police officers surely, least not the ones i've met lol.




I've considered growing a plant .. just one in the botanic gardens.


psttt , don't tell anyone k it's the perfect grow spot.

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