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Setting up a buket grow


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Plastic airhose is cheap approx 50-60 cents per metre, you could place your airpump in a place remote from your grow with a long airhose so that it wont be heard.

It can be used later for further grow setups.

Its a good idea to have a fan blowing over your plants to circulate the co2 around the leaves, otherwise you will find your plants growth will be stunned and wont produce much of a yeild. :)

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Guest weekprik
Plastic airhose is cheap approx 50-60 cents per metre, you could place your airpump in a place remote from your grow with a long airhose so that it wont be heard.


Umm You would need a very strong pump, as the longer the air hose the less air coming out at the end,


take a look at some of these systems, Iam seriously thinking of bubblers for next grow.


some basic systems, part of a hydro shops website.


Hey I just read it myself, those bubblers that you gurus use, how do you spray the nutes on to the roots?? I assumed you just let the roots swim around in the bottom bucket?? but then this site reakons to spray the roots??

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The bubbles themselves also break and create a lovely humid and nutrient rich atmostphere for the upper roots and early growth.


Still, noisy bastards. For once WP, you're right, airpumps can only be so far from the grow. Still, I've moved mine now, but for those of us forced to grow in a location near where you're sleeping or living... sheesh... it can be bloody annoying.


Stiil, they're a good method, provided you costruct a good setup and know what you're doing. It's very different from most hydro systems, and need the different attentions which would come with that. So learn all you can before diving in, even if you think you're an experienced hydroponicist. You can get good yeilds from em, and it's quite facinating to see the root growth... but I'm going with a media based for now, I'm just not that impressed by it. Sorry if that offends anyone, but it's just my opinion.


So yeah, make sure your pumps air bubbles are making a mist on the undersurface of the bubbler lid, this lets you know that the breaking water is jumping high enough to moisten the early roots.


Gee, I'm a typing machine tonight... :) :)

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I can't understand why the airline length makes a difference, where does that air go to?? can someone explain that. I'm not saying its not true, I'm sure it is, I just dont get it, hard fot my uneducated brain.


Anyway airline from aquarium stores costs 50c a metre, but dont use it, it creases and can cut off the airline so no plants get air, use 4mm black poly tube which costs $4 for 25mtrs of the stuff and is uncreasable.


Bubblers are piece of piss, some people have trouble with them, the main reason they fuck up is nute levels, going over 1000ppm and trying to get them plants as dark green as a normal plant. Like with other hydro setups you raise them nutes till they sit as high as possible as they can without burning plants, but in bubblers you keep the nutes hell low.

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hey Luke, I wouldn't have thought it would be that hard to build a little sound proof box for the airpump. just some scraps of timber and insulation would shut it up. maybe get a bit of ducting, put the airpump in the ducting and wrap insulation around the ducting.


whitecluster, you are right there is nowhere for the air to go. but the longer your line is the more work the compressor has to do to push air through. There are losses in efficiency in both the flex in the tube and the backpressure of air before it escapes the other end.


btw, why are bubbler plants light green? I have noticed this myself. Plants in soil tend to be a lush dark green while plants in bubblers tend to be a pale green.

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