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For many decades now legal drug supremacists and anti-drug collectives have worked together to brand the cannabis genus as ‘the gateway to all drug taking’.


In the name of targeting/persecuting this so-called ‘gateway’ and other heretical drug choices classed as ‘illicit,’ these bigots, hypocrites and other holier-than-thou collectives created a Gateway to Hell that they continually hold wide open for their fellow human beings, as well as the other genera on this Planet.


Let’s look at this simply:


Just like in the time of Ethanol Drug Prohibition, Selective Drug Prohibition is a massive Gateway.


It’s a gateway to legalized corruption.

.It’s a gateway to legalized dictatorship

It’s a gateway to legalized slavery.

It’s a gateway to legalized social segregation.



It’s a gateway to legalized discrimination (division and separation).

It’s a gateway to legalized persecution

It’s a gateway to legalized murder.

It’s a gateway to legalized vilification



It’s a gateway to legalized slander

It’s a gateway to legalized manipulation of law and justice.

It’s a gateway to setting up legalized drug cartels as Empires that now dictate terms to Governments (including Competition Eradication policies).

It’s a gateway to legalized supremacy.



It’s a gateway to legalized assassination of the Fair Go For All, Justice For All and A Fair Chance In Life for every individual.

It’s a gateway to legalized home invasions.

It’s a gateway to legalized rape - to seize and violate.

It’s a gateway to legalized robbery.



It’s a gateway to replacing the International Criterias of Harm, Efficacy and Safety with a â€My drugs all good, your drugs all bad†deluded and dangerous policy.

It’s a gateway for Politicians and other legal druggie bigots to use, abuse and addict themselves to drugs while telling others to ‘say NO to drugs’ (illicits only, of course).

It’s a gateway to legally turn every Family Supermarket/ Service Station, Corner Store etc. and other all age mediums into so-called ‘legal drug dealers,’ who are protected by those who tell us to say no to drugs.



It’s a gateway to set up drug cartels that now cater their drugs directly to children as young as one month old, while they send their drug soldiers in to kick the crap out of seizure disorder sufferers, cancer sufferers etc. as well as kicking the crap out of those who take a safer recreational drug than the drugs they take themselves.

Funny isn’t it - no matter how young our Government’s toxic legalized drug lords want to target children, our Government and other hypocritical so-called anti-drug collectives never brand so-called ‘legal’ cradle-to-the-grave drugs that they deal themselves as The (supposed) Gateway!


It’s a gateway to legalized War Profiteering -

Wage war on someone you hate/ your competition, slander and vilify them, make everyone around you hate them just as much as you (or fear the consequences of not hating them as much as you),

2. Con those around you into ‘donating’ much needed funds for health, welfare, infrastructure etc. into their massive War Chest.


3. Then…. get the legal drug empires that back you to pay you handsomely for wiping out their competition for them as well as, of course, being hardcore pushers/ advocates for those same Legal Drug Empires - pay to play society.


4. Last, but not least, after conning everyone else around you out of their money, do the same thing that Rome did and brand that which you hate as a crime/ criminal and legally rob them of everything that they have under the term ‘Confiscation Act’……..


5……. then go to the Pub with your war profiteering mates to celebrate your piracy/ criminal acts.


Last, but certainly not least, it’s a gateway to legalized GENOCIDE.

Animus Genocide: ‘to specifically target and murder a living, breathing genus or part of that genus’. Living genera have been deemed worthy of genocide thanks to Selective Drug Prohibition Policy - cannabis, coca etc.


Cultural Genocide : ‘to specifically target and murder a particular cultural genus, or part of that cultural genus’. Funny how Governments and othe collectives constantly tout their multi-cultural credentials, while committing blatant genocide and violation of someone else’s sacred culture.


—- Next time someone calls Cannabis a ‘Gateway’, expose to them this simple truth. And, while you’re at it, expose to them loud and clear that the only gateway to drug problems is ABUSE, not the choice.


Stay Safe, Stay Alive, Do the Five…..1) Respect 2) Your 3) Drug 4) of 5) Choice.


copyright: Medcanpoet - 6th August, 2011


Selective Drug Prohibition - The Gateway to Hell.

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