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President Bush

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It might be worth keeping an eye on parliment, maybe the question time, I'm not sure. It'll likely be plastered all over the news if it goes off.


The Greens, and several other disgruntled honorable members are looking as though they're going to go ahead with their protest of standing and turning their backs while President Bush adresses the Australian Parliment at the request of Jackboot Johnny. Or as I've heard him affectionatly refered to here as "Mr. Sheen". lol


I thought when I first heard of the Labor party's plan, and a few independants, and the greens; to turn their backs on the Shrub, it would peter out to nothing.

But I saw an interview with Bob Green last night on the news, and he seems as though he's going through with it, and so are at least some of the labor party.


A silent protest to Bush's war mongering antics, and devil may care attitude to the damage he's doing to the delicate world balance everyone's been struggling so hard to keep.


As ex Prime Minister Paul Keating said "Do we want to feel safe From Asia? or safe In Asia."


We can't move were we are, we're stuck here geographically. Bush's attitude, and John Howard's lap dogging to him have deteriated many years of very sensitive negotiations which have quelled a sea of trouble within this region, making us at least on political terms, secure. This may well be past repairation while this gov. at least stays in power.


John Howard is attempting to force a new trade agreement through with Bush to make some kind of sick show of our solidarity. In return for our support. China is a far more important trade partner, and w're ignoring that for the sake of Bush's friendship.


Problem with all this is that you'd expect that with all the risk we have put our nation in to back these yanks up, the general American public would at least know of our commitments to their country's causes. As I've said here before, I have a few American friends over the net, and two of them are extrremely political. They know nothing of us, and what we've done in our sell out to back Bush. Maybe Sell Out isnt the right phrase, more like Put our selves at risk. Anyway you look at what we've been doing with America, the American public are unawares, and we're very much left vulnerable through all this.


I think the tactics of the parlimentarians to silently protest this union between our country and America is a step in the right direction.


Anyway, that's my opinion, and my opinion only. But I think the protest (if it goes ahead) will be well worth watching.


Take care.


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:;): I agree, it will be well worth watching. IF it happens................. ;)

Bush's attitude, and John Howard's lap dogging to him have deteriated many years of very sensitive negotiations which have quelled a sea of trouble within this region, making us at least on political terms, secure. This may well be past repairation while this gov. at least stays in power.
Yes, but don't forget. Pauline Hanson didn't do us any favours in that department either. That women should have really stayed the hell out of politics.

But Howard is doing damage now, definitley. All we can do is hope for an early election as they've said, but even then. I shudder to think of Peter Costello rubbin' his hands together waiting for Johnny to take a final bow........He may have the smallest dick in the world, but I'd prefer him any day as PM than Costello.

And as for recongnition for Aussies helping the Yanks out.........How much did you hear about the Yanks, then how much did you hear about the Aussie boys after Vietnam? lol Among other things.......................

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